
Not sure about worthless, because you have your cabin you and a few buddies or family can ride around in. I can’t have a two-seater of anything. 

Thank you for this! I want to order one but wondering if it's too small for a guy 5'11-275. I keep hearing how small it is, but some truck guys on YouTube say it's not that much smaller than the Ford Ranger. I saw a guy in a 2014 Nissan Frontier today and if it's that size or close, it's the perfect size for me at

Can one USB port support a splitter or hub from multiple devices? Hmmmm.

Maybe he was talking about his dad. We just don’t know then.

Not true. He has taken much heat before for various things. I like Em but am also growing tired of him picking fights with women that don't deserve it. Go after Michelle Bachman instead.


Hangouts is a one in all. All my Google Voice and texts appear on my Hangout app. I can now VOIP call and not use minutes. Its no conspiracy and the illuminati is not real.

Then don't use YOUR real name, HairyCub. Youre probably all over gay porn websites with a name like HairyCub and don't bat an eye. If u think they don't have your info using an alias, you're kidding yourself.

it just asked for your name,DOB, sex, and that's it. You can continue DL the app. You never have to use G+ again.

Google tried to fix that with having one universal account and Google+ integration but everyone lost their hats for being forced to open a G+ account. I have my real name and photos so it keeps me from going mental on people even if they sometimes deserve it. It worked for plenty but now they've stepped away from

This is so funny. I have gotten so upset because I can go from 1st or 2nd to second to last because I either get bumped onto a the lawn or off into space somewhere. Haha. I've been disgusted with the game but that's why I'd never sell it. Its amazing when it happens to others though.

But once propelled it keeps its current velocity, no.

My God. Someone shut this nerd up.

You lose. You can't come back from the Haters Ball.

The Google Music Locker where you can upload your own music library is a killer feature. Spotify and GMAA doesn't have certain artists (Dr. dre, de la soul, etc.) and you can't listen unless you have it in your personal collection.

who made this graph? Joe Dirt?

Its like when Latinos pronounce their Spanish names in an English accent. Why do that if you can pronounce your Spanish name properly in its original accent. It doesn't make sense. A lot or Latino news reporters are pronouncing Spanish named cities in Los Angeles properly now. I think that's great.

Uhm, yes y'all do.

Best Buy for what? Oh, to look at the CD art and order it online? Got it.

"OK, dude" also works.