
I hate to break it to you, but even after he loses, he’s already working on lining up his next career as a Glenn Beck-type bilking seniors for monthly subscription fees to “Trump TV” where they can watch web videos of him ranting against all the undesirables in the country, and I’m sure he’ll continue to be a regular

So, grab them by the Donald Trump during the Vietnam War?

Dab? Back to google for my elderly self.

This is fucked up on so, so many levels more important than this, but: karate is Japanese. They can’t even get their racism right.

Hello Jezzies, I just wanted to inform you that Eric Trump is lying. I, Sipowitz Corningsworth III, have personally been funding the entire federal govt budget with my taxes for over a decade now. You’re welcome!

No, let’s talk about it. He makes my lady bits wither and dry up. Simultaneously, I also want to shit and vomit looking at him.

First they came for the local moms, but I did not speak for I did not look 29...

I’ve got to be honest, with all that’s happened in the last few years (and probably more importantly, the way that the police unions and rank-and-file cops have responded to criticism) I’m not even sure it’s “most cops.” I’ll grant “a lot” or even “many,” but the way that the police unions circle the wagons to

I really want to believe the cops, I want to trust cops, I know that most cops are actually decent good people, and I want to believe this was an innocent isolated instance.

This one pegs the bullshit meter to the max. I used to live in Texas and had an Impala. Sitting in traffic in 105 degree heat with dew points near 90 degrees had zero effect on how hot the engine ran. Police cars have upgraded cooling systems to help them deal with being used harder than civilian cars. They’re

Now playing

Would I do it? if it was my only option yes. but otherwise no. Reminds me of the emergency capstan winch technique.

All I can come up with is they must be thinking this: When Clinton does something shady, she’s being a corrupt politician. When Trump does something shady, he’s being a smart businessman.

There is little in this world that delights me more than the bitter, unvarnished, deep-seated loathing between Bill DeBlasio and Andrew Cuomo. And so it is with giggles and glee that I imagine DeBlasio’s smug, barely contained joy as he follows this scandal.

When you’re mom’s all like “I don’t want you buying a motorcycle Timmy, they’re not safe” and you buy one anyways, so she runs you over just to prove a point.

you are within your rights

For the moment, California’s law stipulates that police vehicles must be clearly marked (meaning, be black and white, or all white with police logos visible). I don’t know how much longer that will last, but that’s how it is at the moment. None of these hidden, unmarked vehicles for normal police.

The cynic in me says that the idea isn’t to prevent the crime, just to punish you once you’ve committed it, there’s more money in punishment than prevention.

Yay for New Hampshire, where government-operated number plate scanners are illegal (except for in the EZ Pass lanes)!