In this case he provides a vital public service. By creating an atmosphere where awful people speak their minds on the record and reveal their awfulness for all to see.
In this case he provides a vital public service. By creating an atmosphere where awful people speak their minds on the record and reveal their awfulness for all to see.
It’s like some sort of sexual assault inception.
There’s nothing so odd about that, Kemal Attaturk had an entire menagerie all called Abdul!
I believe there is footage of Cuomo receiving the news:
Hillary has to avoid falling into the “bitch” label. Too many fragile male ego’s out there. She’s been set up with the dilemma, she needs to prove she is a strong leader, but she can’t be overtly directive or aggressive or she’s a bitch.
If you’re looking for street parking and dealing with alternate side of the street parking you want something shorter.
My girlfriend does this to me. Now I’m confused.
Do they not have overpasses? I can’t picture this working anywhere without changing a lot of other infrastructure. Street lights? Traffic signals? But I guess since China just builds cities at the drop of a hat these days (whether people want to live in them or not) they can plan their roads to accommodate this thing.
Thanks for another “both sides are equally awful”. Andrew Sullivan is a conservative. If you have to pretend that he’s a progressive just to keep up your lame “both sides” narrative that’s pretty lame.
I think there’s something in how quickly her hand moves to defend as well. As if this isn’t the first time.
Is the National Bowling Stadium still there?
Personally I’m going with former Sanders supporter current Hillary “likely voter.” I can’t bring myself to support her, canvassing or phone banking or donations or anything. But I’ll pull the lever when the time comes.
American / German here. Raised in NYC by a German mom. What I most often am frustrated by is having a couple of dozen aphorisms in German that don’t have an English equivalent. “Schadenfreude ist die reinste freude.” is one that comes up most often for instance.
I feel like we’ll be chasing the language from one place to another on this forever, because people just want a way to insult other people.
I believe this was the logic of Invader Zim.
Or spite. Because I’d hate for my worthless half-brother to be the one who continues the family name.
Wait - do time-share babies exist? Is that a thing? Please let that be a thing!