
In this case he provides a vital public service. By creating an atmosphere where awful people speak their minds on the record and reveal their awfulness for all to see.

No shout out for 111 8th ave? Disappointed.

The same sort of menacing evil that Peter Cushing brought to Grand Moff Tarkin.

This was a very educational post in that it sent me looking for an elevation map of NYC so I could check out my neighborhood. My building is 30m above the waterline so I’ll be mostly ok. May have to invest in a Ski-do for getting to work though.

My first thought. Watch out for a Zergling swarm.

It’s like some sort of sexual assault inception.

There’s nothing so odd about that, Kemal Attaturk had an entire menagerie all called Abdul!

I believe there is footage of Cuomo receiving the news:

Are there more like this? Please say yes.

Or they’re from Golgafrincham.

Hillary has to avoid falling into the “bitch” label. Too many fragile male ego’s out there. She’s been set up with the dilemma, she needs to prove she is a strong leader, but she can’t be overtly directive or aggressive or she’s a bitch.

Ctrl+r communists and replace with Islamic extremists and it’s ready for use in 2016! Plus ça change ....

Yeah, and one of those liberal arts classes, namely Economics might tell you that when everyone has a STEM degree then the labor market will be flooded with them and the “good paying” jobs will stop paying so good.

Are we sure they’re not just poking fun at the name they chose for the ship?

If you’re looking for street parking and dealing with alternate side of the street parking you want something shorter.

Anything but more Fallen Empire stuff. Serious snoozefest that.

Just not from the diving board.

A perfect example of this idea.

My girlfriend does this to me. Now I’m confused.

Now playing

I was fascinated when I saw this depicted in Rome.