
Which one can hope, will in turn lead to said photo-enforcement devices being vandalized.

This is a very reasonable opinion. I mean, it’s not like we’re talking about operating a vehicle that could potentially take you to anyplace on the continent at a whim.

Great article about a fascinating piece of machinery. As a native New Yorker can I make one request? Please don’t refer to the architectural monstrosity which replaced the boring but very impressive twin towers as the Freedom Tower. I like freedom very much and that tower is not something that should be associated

Annnd, it's over.

Annnd, it's over.

I am a doctor educated by the School of Common Sense and the University of What Is Wrong With You. Let me help you see the light.

What would you hide behind in a gunfight? Huh? HUH? Gotcha!

It's a shame that Israel is so focused on messing with Iran. They'd make a great tag team partner for Jordan.

There's things that you can do as King of a small country that you can't do as President of a global power. There are things you have to do to stay King.

The Kurds have a narrow interest. They want their own government in their own part of what is now Iraq. Ultimately that goal faces strong resistance from neighboring powers and Iraq itself. If they get sold out (in their view) when this is over and end up being pushed back into some other state there will be a

Speaking of not finishing the job. It seems likely that this is not just about the not finishing but the inept execution of the last war.

I believe that during WWII the procurement process and selection competitions were geared to maximizing production but also keeping a variety of available competing manufacturers in business (which further ensured production capability.)

I read somewhere that the Golf's are still assembled in Germany (lower volume of sales in US market) whereas the other VW's are assembled in Mexico? Anyone know if this is true?

I can't count how many times the morning traffic report indicates a "misplaced tractor-trailer" as a cause for the morning traffic snarl here in NYC. The parkway overpass heights are too low to allow passage but the truckers don't know or don't pay attention.

Yes, but fatal in an SUV is a long way away. It's past all the Big Gulping and Texting and Radio Fidling and Rearview Mirror Preening all while moving 4000 pounds of metal at 55 miles per hour. SUV drivers feel insulated from harm and drive as if they were sitting at home on their couch as a result, in most cases

Motorcycle insurance is $30 a month. Your point is invalid.

Tire, gasoline, photo radar camera.

Wait, how do you get the plane on/off the truck?

ZOMG!11!! Chemtrails!