
2:52 Russians and their dashcams.

It directly addresses the absurdity of the "fairness" of filtering. (Hint, I'm agreeing with you that it's nonsense.)

As a NYC rider I'm looking at the nicely paved wide lanes in CA with a measure of envy. I think lane-splitting would benefit from the PR makeover of a name change. Filtering is more neutral. Splitting makes people think you're taking something they have and taking half of it away.

Only about the shoulder, depending on how well maintained the roads are the shoulder can be full of debris.

It's already perfectly "fair" of course. Everyone on the road has made decisions on what they valued most when they chose their vehicle. I get rained on, have no AC in the summer and freeze my ass off in the winter. I don't have a cup holder or a radio, I have no storage space and limited cargo capacity. In

I should be ashamed to have missed that. I have a co-worker who is from The Gambia. In that case I suspect the THE is because the whole country is built around the river. The Gambia river. It was a British carve out in Africa to ensure they had access to the interior.

C'mon, everyone knows The Hague. I just think he wanted to be sure that you didn't confuse it with other Hagues, like New Hague, or North Hague, San Hague or St. Hague. Nope, this is the original, often imitated but never surpassed Hague. Y'know The Hague.

This is Iraq, large bodies of water are not as common as they are in Northern New Jersey. I'd be okay with burying them up to their necks in the desert though.

It must be a Dutch thing. The only other geographical area that I know that always includes a definite article is The Bronx, which I believe is etymologically Dutch.

Orange is the national color... so it is possible.

I don't know. I think the bicycling thing cancels out health wise. A co-worker who bikes to work every day has had no fewer than 5 accidents, one resulting in minor concussion, in two years.

Not to mention that they're unlicensed and as such often flaunt the traffic laws (rolling red lights, riding the wrong way on a one-way.) Bicyclists run much higher risks.

Audible laughter is my gauge for good a good ride. I'll look for a chance to try it out!

Yes, he is oddly specific about it.

Jeez is he ever Austrian. Listen to that accent! I had to listen again just to make sure he was actually speaking German.

I bought a used Nighthawk 750 the day that I passed the MSF course / license test. Having learned on the 250 version it seemed like a good way to get smoother power than the 2 cylinders on the 250. I looked at newer bikes all the time and found that while I wanted the newer tech (better brakes more than anything)

But they only let it out at night? What are the troops supposed to do, tell the enemy "oh, you just wait until nightfall, then you're gonna get it!"

Just glad he was wearing protection. ATGATT.

More likely they offer them lucrative positions when they retire.

Philadelphia is where I learned to ride a motorcycle. And Philadelphia traffic is one of the reasons I learned to ride. As a NYC boy the public transportation options in Philly didn't measure up. And being another one person in a 4 seater sitting in traffic every day was slowly making me crazy. PA funds the MSF