
Ve freezd to death, but ve can still watch "Game of Thrones!" (Vinter is koming: HA-HA—beeg joke!).

70k start as an engineer? What? I don't know what country that starts in. Australia? 10-15 years over 100k is true if you're good at your engineering job in all areas. Design, client relations, project management, proposals etc.

You won't start at 70K. That's highly dependent upon location and field of engineering

Better use of dollars than buying weapons the army doesn't need or even want.


At my last interview, they asked me if I could do the job. They gave me a schematic, and asked me questions about it, then they handed me a circuit board and a soldering iron. I got the job, and they didn't even put paper cups for me to throw away or piss in.

It's much better working for people who prioritize the task

They should ask them to clean the restrooms, too. That proves, um, that they know a lot about coding, or something.

How incredibly douche-tastic of these guys. Why would I throw away someone else's disposable cup ever, but especially at an interview? I have no idea if that person is finished using said cup - I for one find it more responsible to use the same cup all day. Playing tricks on your interviewees seems childish and

I'm actually more upset about Oberyn. Ned was a great man, but an idiot, too. He walked right into his death. Oberyn... it's too soon. He had the Mountain, speared him right in the chest, that should have been enough, even for that beast. Plus, this means the death of Tyrion- which obviously can't happen, but

Funny thing is, there are some basics told in the video, that are still true and so many people today still don't know. For me it's much harder to stand todays teens smartassing about stuff told in this video, they don't know anything about (Even as they use this stuff daily themselves), than watching the horrid 90s

Do we really need to call them apps? Aren't apps something that phones, tablets, macs, and now Windows 8 (shudder) use to give us no control over anything? I would call these programs. I may be wrong, but I consider the 2 very different. Apps are essentially locked down programs meant to be used on locked down devices

These videos actually kinda make me hate children a little.

"At least it is better then Flappy Bird" <- There is still hope left

*turns on old Apple*

I hope in 50 years they have a new series called "Old Farts React" and they put these same little punks in front of new technology of the time and watch them struggle.

With all due respect, I'd say you've likely never seen a mouthy woman writing checks her man is going to have to cash. So, yes, they do need controlling sometimes. Same as a male friend or partner.

I don't suppose there are any covers of Yakety Sax on oud, are there? 'Cause that would be epic.

Pretty sure they're just filming the Iranian remake of the Three Stooges.

"I'm Peter Baleish. I come from The Fingers. Give me five minutes and you will too."
-The Best Peter Baleish Pick Up Line Ever
(I dropped that one on my BF last night during the Sansa/Peter smooch and he lost it!)

Maybe "snob" isn't the right word. Maybe "douchebag" is.