Because of his business background. I feel like Washington needs somebody new and non-establishment, and I think Washington could use a good businessman who knows how to fix the budget.
Because of his business background. I feel like Washington needs somebody new and non-establishment, and I think Washington could use a good businessman who knows how to fix the budget.
I grew up in Oregon, which is a pretty blue state.
1. Tell that to the thousands of people who make a living working the same job in slightly different offices under managers who all read the same stupid management fad books and take advice from the same 12 consultant groups. Of course there is a software industry.
2. Every programming job where you are not the PM is…
Defectors who have been out years seem to still be “in” the mindset, so I dunno, decades of conditioning and all.
Well, that’s fine for you then.
They [steam] keep track of everything you play and how long and sell that on to the game companies (anonymized) cheers!
It’s called “Not a fucking Chance in Peoria” edit: sigh someone beat me to it.
Not really at all, it’s a combination of makeup and angle; damn good though
She needs it to pay for her brother’s legal bills, right?
Well Deserved, it was AMAZING and still is. It was so well crafted and there was love in every second of it.
She’s an institude collaborator, she should be shot on sight
John Mulaney has the word on this
Children are angels who have not had a chance to sin yet according to the New York Post. So Children are angels. Not beardo crazy men
Summer of 1995 I met and fell in love with the woman I was sure I would spend the rest of my life with. The romance was gone for her by my birthday and weeks later it was over; but it ended in spectacular fashion.
He wasn’t arrested, so where was the criminalization?
The free trip to Qatar and so on not being enough I guess? Fuck that noise, if anyone gives him a dollar they pay too much. Kids are hassled every day and don’t see a penny; why give money to the wealthy son of an affluent lawyer?
You’d almost think You Tube had a profit motive in keeping videos up or something? Youtube Red, anyone?
That’s not always true: Alex Jones and the Daily mail get their readers and viewers and listeners into a lather; perhaps that is “their job” but as reporters they routinely fail to portray objective truth in favor of biased “truthiness” getting people angry along with them rather than in the face of factual…