
Bruce and his team should be getting the same treatment as UPS in this the whole “It has left my premesis” argument may fly if the item in question is a poster, not so much a custom built engine that took months to procure.

His wife poisoned that well

And Papa Skywalker administers the oath of a Jedi Knight to Luke, in which Ben, Minch, Anakin and Luke cross lightsabers, and Luke swears to “dedicate my life to the cause of freedom and justice.”

Jesus TAPDANCING Christ, even

Thanks for the Heads up, I’ve been calling him Fatso Johnson for over a decade

I insulted Ernest Borgnine by insisting he was dead!

In 2001/2002 my office in Toronto was being closed by the corporation and we happy happy few were being moved to the States to take up residence. Anyway, we were staying in a motel/hotel place that did breakfast in the AM. My happy travelling companions and I sat at

It really is a different situation; Dice was a controversial character played by a comedian. Just like Larry the Cable guy; a persona for better or for worse. Dice told dirty, locker-room clearing, balls out JOKES, he wasn’t writing manifestos or spreading around millions of dollars.

Trump may be a media personality

Saying that means that if one was to say “The Criminals who are white and do things while wearing confederate flags are indicative of a deep racial hatred in all white people” due to it’s “connection to reality”

Perhaps it’s better to say “It’s fine to say what you want, as long as you understand that other people also

So we have the No-More mutants thing again, because we need to do this every couple of years to make Fox scared? Why?

do you just like to hear about people sufferring or something, sometimes a bad time is just “well, I stubbed my toe and then the rest of the evening was shitty because I had to hobble everyplace. All this left-foot, right-foot nonsense and then when we got to the club I was like no dancin’ for this diva. So I hung out

I have a very different interpretation of number 2; which in my mind was about the exploits of Bearded Nerd and Not Bearded Nerd and their scooby-gang exploits. It made the movie about 1 million times better, go back and openly root for and implore them not to fuck it all up, I swear, better movie.

“NO!” the woman replies. “GO GET US SOME FOOD.”

The wife telling me that she needed a different side that wasn’t vegetables because she was allergic to all vegetables”

Growing up we had a special name for Brothers who drank the Kool Aid. Elliot, because he drank all the Cool aid and he was literally the only Brother we knew.

It does do a good job of chasing off “Fox and Friend’s” demographic though

NUNS? NUNS have to be sexy? Don’t tell Sister Heather, she is aggressively non-sexy.

Jude Law, dude is in EVERYTHING!

Nope, he blames them on the Liberals.

Don’t breathe too hard; you might break, pickle.