
At this juncture I wonder why, why, why his tax returns haven’t been leaked. At some point someone has to say “Ill go to jail for this, but here they are and really, since they havent, shouldnt we assume that they DON’T show anything?

This thread has devolved into one long farting noise.

More like 2 years of First. The Alpha was around for ages before the public release.

I’m old. So, last week, probably? Then again, I have “Yo! Bum Rush the Show” in my playlist every god damned day, so older than dirt really.


Hordes of people, a HOARD of people is a what a dragon interesting in keeping corpses on hand is.

You get the No-Prize!

It looks like they captured a good chunk from the first Reboot game (Rise of? ) which was so great and cinematic, I have high hopes based on this trailer

I lived in the states for a while, I woulda been sunk.

Later, no matter what the crime “He’s the president”

For the price the game was too short and the ending wasn’t even a surprise. There’s a point when you can walk behind the screens in the “Control Room/Bridge” and it turns out that is just a set like the “simulation” you leave in the opening of the game. Also the date never changed, giving away that it’s a loop.

Also I

I love Kristen Bell and I tolerate Dax; if she likes him, he can’t be all bad. Bleh, bleh.

Alright “The Wayans” aren’t complaining, fair? :)

That’s not objectively true.

That is a good point. I wonder where she is?

Then aren’t they also the reason for Trump?

Are you kidding? It was so controversial the Director picketed his own movie!

“A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center” a “fact checking” site with an actual stated agenda... neat.

Nope. They are dunderheads

Woof. He voted for Hillary