
The safety note on kidney beans should say to boil them for AT LEAST 10 minutes to destroy the toxin phytohemagglutinin. 10 minutes is a minimum, not an absolute. The FDA recommends boiling for 30 minutes.

If you have children, think really hard about whether the sentimental value of those smoke-laden mementos are worth the potential health hazard. Even if you are able to get the odor out, tobacco particles tend to stick around as "third-hand smoke."

When I have been in the situation, I have kept only a few of the most

What was it, then? So that we, the nameless anonymous internet hordes, may judge you.

Actually this set-up looks pretty similar to what I have, and I am very much practical. Two differences in my working methods that make this possible: I stand to work, and I keep paperwork to a minimum. The cactus really help with the latter!

I love your friend's advice! Besides, you'll never learn how to take care of plants if you don't keep trying!

My best tips, as a green thumb, are to under water from the saucer (not the pot) and provide lots of light. One reason this set-up is working is that there's a big, glorious, probably not-Northern exposed

Did you notice how almost all of the models and questions were white, too? :(

Seriously. I hate how Lifehacker (specifically) and lifehacking sites (more generally) have their default settings at "male." Hey editors, women are reading your articles and using your tips. Please see us.

Yeah. If you must bring old clothes to donate at the end of your trip, have the decency to drop them off at a charity site on the route home.

"Every time I see her picture anywhere its a flood of unflattering or stand up straighter and it feels equivalent to asking women to smile more."

I think you've hit upon something here. How is posture-shaming or flattering-shaming any different than fat-shaming or frown-shaming? Why should we care how she carries

Can we talk about how fanfuckingtastic and sexy Lena Headey's wrinkles are?!

I don't even follow celebrities/watch the Emmys but by gum, this year's body diversity has me in tears. And thank you, "Orange," for putting so many gorgeous WoC and LGBT actors on the red carpet this year.

If she has any sense she is more jealous of Chris Martin spending time with J-Law than of J-Law spending time with Chris Martin. (When is J-Law coming out with a lifestyle blog, damnit? To be called, "POOP," obvs.)

I'm sad that Joseph "I'd absolutely call myself a feminist" Gordon-Levitt is in this.

You really captured it with "pseudo-noir." Third Man, these movies ain't.

I once interviewed a misogynistic creep not unlike Miller for a position with my graphic design firm. The portfolio he sent us to get the interview was mostly bland but well-done commercial work, so no red flags. But the bulk of the work he brought in to show at the interview — the stuff that he was most proud of —

Thank you for saying what I was thinking.

Many airlines now make you pay for a seat even if your child is under 2 years and allowed to sit on your lap. That's the trend. I've not heard of the window seat restriction; that may depend on the flight, airplane model, or carrier.

Yes, and in fact it's safer for children to ride in their car seats on the plane than to ride in ordinary seats. The Federal Aviation Administration and the American Academy of Pediatrics both strongly recommend them.

This is interesting, but I wonder how much these red flags just as easily signal distraction. I'm as honest as they come, but my texts can read like the examples given just because I am constantly distracted by my children. (I don't even text that often; it's just that whenever I pull the phone out, even for the

Thank you for not referring to her as a "grandma." You done good this time, Jezebel!

Thank you for taking the time to answer. I'm going to check my husband's measurements tonight and order him his favorite of the two. The crummy, chafing trunks must go!