
Responsibility for one's actions != deserves grievous injury or death. If I witneswe this and nothing happened, I'd be like "Wow, that person shouldn't be driving" or "They should get a ticket" - not "I hope they smash into a semi next time."

My exact words were "something similar." Show me someone who's never done something reckless on public roads and I'll show you someone who's never driven a car.

Whenever someone says "serves them right" about car wrecks, ask yourself if you'd say that to their mom or son. If the answer's yes, you're an asshole. If the answer's no, why talk shit on a forum about it?

Actually, head trauma severe enough to cause coma means she will have absolutely no memory of the incident. In her mind, the whole morning never happened.

no, the problem is someone would rather take the chance of possibly causing a wreck than inconvenience themselves by having to double back to the exit they should have used. it happens ALL THE FUCKING TIME. oh damn, i'm about to miss that right turn. let me cross 2 lanes of traffic at the last minute instead of

At least you probably have driver training. Here in the state's they give licenses to anyone. You need next to no training to get a license here.

Feels just fine. Nice of you to ask.

Honestly, that could've easily happened to someone who was already behind that truck and merged into the exit lane at the wrong time. At 0:14, what do you think her sight-line was? Yes, she was too close to the back of the truck in front of her, but right then, that lane was not visible. I don't think her cutting

.... aaaand this is in Belgium.

What's even more unfortunate is that you aren't worth the air anymore than she is.

this has nothing to do with overtaking, vs not overtaking, anyone.

Yeah, "filth", whether it's constructed from thin air by privileged white imaginations or not, is far from the only thing compromising the effectiveness of the aid.

Either you have never attempted to get medical attention while uninsured, or you're being willfully ignorant. He came in with symptoms of Ebola, and had recently been to Africa. He should have set off a million red flags.

The last line of your comment is especially poignant, given that if I remember correctly, Duncan contracted ebola by helping an afflicted woman get to the hospital by taxi because she couldn't get an ambulance to come get her :/

I'd also emphasize that we won't see pictures of Ebola victims in more developed nations for a reason ; those patients are being treated in care facilities that are essentially on lockdown, for the good of the patient and the populace. Because "the West" has the luxury of having few cases on "our" hands, we aren't

The difference in the way white bodies and black bodies are treated in the media is not limited to Ebola. It is common for dead and dying black people's bodies to be shown without regard to privacy or dignity or sensitivities of the viewing audience, but it is rare for white people to be shown in the same way. If

I also think Dallas is one of the worse places to be poor, black and foreign. A lot of people are working very hard to make it better, but it has a long, bitter history of racism. Not that the rest of America doesn't, but I do think some places have further to go than others. Dallas wasn't called "the city of hate"

I know it's easy to say, "Oh, the West is the worst," but these kinds of "outsiders carry disease" attitudes aren't unusual to the big bad West. Japanese even today believe that HIV is a "foreigner disease" even though the HIV infection rate in Japan is on the uptick among Japanese themselves. These problems are

It's hard for people with good health care to understand just how poorly the poor, the non-English speakers, non-whites get treated. Stuff a suburban white person takes for granted often just doesn't exist for a lot of people, even with the ACA.

Great aricle, I've been talking about how Duncan's being turned away totally happened due to the intersection of being poor, black, and foreign. It's not hard imagine if a pert white Christian missionary returning from West Africa had come in that the situation would have looked drastically different.