
Agreed, but too hot for lukewarm booze.

...Literally knuckle-draggers?

I think you could make the case that the apes would have acquired at least some of their culture from the modern humans by whom they were raised: namely, relatively progressive San Fran. Or, that their increased intelligence would have led to the same kind of social changes that made early humans human, including

I haven't seen the movie yet, but based on the description in the article, that sounds like miscasting!

Fed by Threads. Fair-trade, sweatshop-free, made in America, organic clothing AND its profits are used to feed the hungry AND the co-owner/co-designer is the fabulous Jade Beall who did the body diversity normalizing photo project "A Beautiful Body."

There is another BurnBaby roaming Kinja. I am not that BurnBaby. (Sorry to disappoint.)

Hipster speciesist apes

Why so? Anthropologists generally agree that hunter-gatherer societies are more egalitarian than ours, not less. (Though obviously not without their problems, e.g. rape.)

Your argument is a mess of equivocation/switch-referencing and backpedalling.

There really aren't that many civilizations that are/were wholly peaceful (see http://www.peacefulsocieties.org/ for a list — it's short). But you are right that many civilizations have been ruined by war.

I hate to be "that guy," but the (human) world is less violent today than it's ever been.

Granted I'm a progressive, but I know quite a few conservatives who think there's no place for bigotry in conservatism. It's not helping your cause to align with people who make antisemitic, racist, sexist, homophobic remarks.

Be warned: it's not pretty.

For someone who says it's none of the internet's biz how your feel about your wife, you sure do spend an awful lot of time protesting that you love your wife.

Interesting. I like to tell strangers on the internet how great my husband is, and yet I don't feel that this indicates either 1) that I'm whipped beyond belief or 2) scared that he reads my posts.

Doesn't everybody like The Room? How can you NOT like The Room? It is...THE ROOM.

Yay, Costco! Boo, Target!

"Millionaire Corner president Cathy McBree of course points out that many wealthy people got that way by being smart and thrifty with their money."

"I'll be continuing to promote my album "NOT A TRAMPOLINE" any way I can."