
They may be very good, but I'm not inclined to click "play" to find out. Fool me twice, shame on me!

I was with you until Cosby.

I don't judge. If the author wanted to keep her Mercedes, more power to her.

The only time I have ever lost anything at a theme park is by putting it in a locker. It was not even worth much, but it had sentimental value for me as the person who'd given it to me had died recently.

I believe they already do this at Disney World and some other popular tourist traps.

Yes. I, too, am tired of this bullshit war on women.

I always wondered if the nurse on the bench had even better stories, if only Forrest cared to ask her.

I distinctly remember my mother putting her hands over my little brother's ears when that scene came on. I also distinctly remember wishing she'd put her hands over MY ears. (I was a tween and too cool for that.)

Office culture is so variable. I've never had probs at the big companies I've worked for, but have at the smaller ones. The absolute worst was a non-profit for a good cause, where the boss used to hire women based on appearance (including a stripper with zero experience in our field) and take "the boys" to Hooters for

Thank you for your kind words! I'm happy to report that I've been symptom-free (or near enough) for some years now. Knowing my triggers and taking meds when I need to have made all the difference.

Exactly! A common symptom of mania is hypersexuality, but that doesn't translate to sexually aggressive behavior unless you're already sexually aggressive. If, in your normal state, you respect others' boundaries, you don't suddenly become a creep when manic. You might go to a bar to seek out sex, you might hook up

This is what comes of a culture that pushes Disney princesses on little girls.

I happen to have bipolar disorder type I. Although I've done strange things while manic that I would never do in a healthy mental state, I've never sexually assaulted anyone. According to my team of doctors, being manic just amps up your ordinary personality; it doesn't turn Jekylls into Hydes. Kinda like being drunk.

Exactly. She could have been drugged and date raped, for all we know. She could have been having a stroke or an absence seizure that made her unaware of her surroundings and unable to answer.

Free market!

I'm with the others here: I would love your interviews! For the same reason so many of us want to be Jennifer Lawrence's BFF.

Right but the problem here is that the interviewer didn't broach the subject with the pregnant woman herself. He guessed that she was in a bad mood because of her hormones; he didn't ask her or report what she herself said.

All true, but this guy's questions to/passive-aggressive mansplaining of Mila Kunis were still really dumb.

As someone who lives in New Orleans, would you say this funeral has voodoo influences? (Not suggesting that the deceased or her family are practitioners at all, just curious because the cigarettes, beer, and other earthly props reminded me of stories about Baron Samedi.)

Anything other than a dog or a cat is generally considered exotic, from my experience. But more and more vets, including humane society vets, are learning how to do low-cost bunny spay/neuter. Good luck with the little guy! He's a cutie!