
Bunnies forever! We lost our last (geriatric) rabbit a few months ago and this is making me want another so.dang.MUCH.

"Sexy" is not the first thing that pops into my mind when I think of Jezebel. "Fluff," maybe.

I share your concern for accurate science reporting, but, like, on Jezebel? SRLSY?

Now playing

Now I know why I, like, like Cosima from Orphan Black so dang much!

Right, with one of the correlations being to conscientiousness.

I love what you are doing for your baby-to-be, and I love what you are doing for your sister, and I love what you are doing for your patients.

Forgive me for not grokking this, and with respect (and I want you to know that I DO greatly respect your professional opinions — I am learning so much from this conversation), I am still having trouble understanding why you view biological sex as a binary. Intersex conditions exist, yes? Anatomically, genetically,

Congrats on your baby-to-be!

Why not? EU states, particularly in Northern Europe, are already heading in this direction. Might as well say, "We will NEVER have an equal rights society."

Your questions were not directed at me but I hope you don't mind if I weigh in here, as a more or less (mostly less) gender-neutral parenting parent of more or less (mostly more) non-gender-conforming children. :)

One more thing! I understand why physicians examine infant's genitals for signs of health or disease, but I still don't understand why this necessitates sex assignment (let alone sex assignment based on a binary). If the genitals conform to normal, why not just report "normal genitals"?

Thanks for your thoughtful reply. I can see that you are a sensitive physician.

So, let's unpack this a bit. I suspect that of those majority 99.9998%, what most really want is not a sex assignment but a gender assignment, or more accurately, a point of reference for determining their children's gender. As this thread

Your post makes me wish that I, as a parent, had refused sex assignment of my children at birth. For one thing, it might have eased the pressure we came under from the pediatrician and hospital staff to have our son circumcised (even though we made it clear from the beginning that we did not want this). For another, I

There are many, many legal ramifications to being assigned one sex over another, yes? As I'm understanding it, that is not the fault of individual doctors, but it is something for which the medical community as a whole are at least partly culpable (by implicitly condoning either/or sex assignment in the creation of a

Hi, cis straight female here. I guess my question to you, as a pediatrician, is why you feel that it's necessary to assign biological sex to babies? And what do you do in those rare cases when you do have to assign a biological sex to an intersex baby? Isn't it kind of a problem when that happens and you have no box

The tinfoil swan of wedding gowns.

Is this even Rachel Ray?

I confess, I read your posts in the voice of Professor Charles W. Kingsfield Jr.

I'm also wondering if some of the more atrocious photoshopping disasters are down to "OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT I SAVED OVER THE ORIGINAL FILE AND CAN'T UNDO WHAT I DONE FUCKED UP"