
So I am wondering if this is a composite fuck-up, vs. a slimming retouch. The head doesn't look in proportion to the hands or lower body.

*THERE a statute of limitations

I get this sentiment. I get the rage. I'm a mother myself and my instinct is to unleash holy hell on people who do harm to children. But then I have to ask myself, What kind of evil did these people receive themselves as children, to do such evil now? Do we get to feel the same rage for the horrors they experienced as

A woman who has been raped wrote a serious article on rape culture. The comments section may not be the best place or time for a silly Rangers joke. At best, your joke is a non sequitur. But at 642 stars (and counting), it's a derailment.

That is so great that you can switch gears like that. Any tips you want to share? I wonder if I need some new sexy "me" bras in addition to all my nursing ones... Although, for me I don't know if it's so much that I don't see my gals as sexy anymore (because dang, they've earned their playtime!) as that I just feel

Ouch! That should never happen with a good latch. My first baby had tongue-tie which we didn't get diagnosed for several months, and I was in SO MUCH PAIN. I wish now that I'd reached out for help a lot sooner, because as soon as we corrected the latch, all the pain disappeared...

Re: Sexualization, actually the study you link to notes, "Women need to be reassured that while pelvic sexual arousal is ***not*** a common response to breastfeeding, when these feelings occur they are normal." (emphasis added)

Nah, it's funnier as "a asshole." That's how dogs talk.

OMG! I remember seeing that on television!

And now I feel very old.

May everything go smoothly for you this time around. :)

Re: those charts! I imagine many mothers have been persuaded into early weaning by poorly informed pediatricians using charts based on data from formula-fed babies, rather than the WHO's charts which "establish growth of the breastfed infant as the norm for growth" (in their words).

Our own family pediatrician uses

Well, I'm giving the benefit of the doubt. I didn't formula-feed my babies, but friends who did tell me that they were led to believe that their babies would end up physically and intellectually stunted, so the fact that they didn't was, for them, important to note.

That said, I wholeheartedly agree with you on the

Truth-telling = good
Smug, self-congratulatory tone when truth-telling = kinda shitty

Cheating on your partner with the person who becomes your new partner does not negate the cheating. Indeed it makes it kinda double-cheating...so you cheated on your partner, AND your partner-to-be.

"Breastfeeding is about the woman." ...Or women, in most cultures where breastfeeding is the norm. We forget that in a more "natural" society, sisters and aunts and even grannies would take turns nursing/suckling the baby. From a cross-cultural perspective, it's actually pretty absurd that we expect JUST the mother to

"People insisting that decisions regarding my body are NOT solely my choice is very upsetting and, unfortunately, common. ... So, someone telling me I should sounds to me like they're really saying "let your husband make the decision." It isn't necessarily a rational response, but it was how I interpreted your

What is it about cheating partners and their willingness to admit the duration of their cheating once "the cat's out of the bag"? It's like they think the length of the extramarital/extrarelational affair counts as fidelity, or something.

As profs make clear to their students: NO DOUBLE-DIPPING! You don't get credit

The sooner we stop comparing our children, the closer we'll be to ending these ludicrous mommy wars. It is not a competition!
(That said, I totally understand that HungryCat's mention of her baby's milestones was NOT in the spirit of competition, but in the context of crazy lactivists who claim formula-fed babies

The press release just make the rescue sound worse. I get that housing dogs is expensive, but donations are strictly voluntary. A donation that may be "waived" for low-income adopters is not a donation; it's a fee.

"My formula-fed child is 98th percentile for weight and height, could recognize upper- and lower-case letters, numbers 0-9, shapes, and colors all before two years old."

I loved your comment and just for the record, I am a nice lactivist, not a crazy one, but also for the record: Those percentile charts are based on

I would so dearly love to see a campaign raising awareness that with just empathy, prescription hormones, and a good support network, MEN CAN BREASTFEED.

So "you would if you could?" Turns out, you can!
