
I'm all for parents and parents-to-be having open lines of communication, I am a huge lactivist, and I am grateful to my husband for his support while I continue to breastfeed our children. But ultimately my decision to breastfeed was mine and mine alone. My body: my decision.

As I hope your friend's decision to have

It's almost as if some foodies have never been to Mexico to know that there are crummy chain restaurants there, too.

*mom & pop restaurants serving authentic and delicious Mexican.

Yeah, there was supposed to be a "food" after "Mexican" in that sentence. Sorry 'bout that.

Nothin' wrong with food fusion, even if the fusion is with mainstream America. I live in a US/Mexico border town, but even here there are precious few mom & pop restaurants serving authentic and delicious Mexican. I would never choose Chipotle over my favorite local Sonoran food truck, but I would take it any day over

After reading Lindy West's amusing review of "Reality Bites," I just want to Photoshop Ethan Hawke's head onto every last one of these models.

Oh my goodness. I am so sorry for your loss.

This just confirms for me that Mia Farrow is/was motivated by her MATERNAL feelings for her children, and NOT sexual jealousy over Woody Allen.

I felt a little angry and had an "a-ha" moment when the adult picked her up and brought her inside at the mid-point. It made me more aware of how I can be disrespectful of my own children's experience.

Lisa Congden, if you're reading this, your work is wonderful and I'm sorry you're being ripped off. For shame, Cody Foster!

Having said that, I looked at the Flickr and some of the supposedly ripped-off pieces look awfully generic. Toadstools and pinecones and needle-felted dogs and such, aren't those pretty standard


I hate you for appropriating my burner name. Fuck you, you white supremacist fuck.

"But the solid fact remains: deciding which actor is best to play The Doctor, is best judged on who is the best actor for the role, regardless of gender, or race. Saying "it should be a woman" or "it should be a minority" is no better than saying "it should be a white dude.""

Except that
1. I never said that the Doctor

Well, you could argue that Sophie Okonedo's Liz 10 was a more substantial part than Peter Capaldi's Fires of Pompeii character; also that the Liz 10 episodes are more recent than 10's Pompeii. But Peter Capaldi played a major character (and baddie, or at any rate ambiguously motivated character) in the third series of

"Fine. I stand corrected. Then it's just plain racist to want Idris Elba just because he's black."

Not quite. As Peregon pointed out in your first reply to this thread, racism exists as a system of oppression against one (or more) race(s) by another. Since our culture is dominated by white people, our flavor of racism

"The sale of most merchandise would likely dip as well, as boys refuse t-shirts and bedsheets with the "girl Doctor" on them. And every time I go to a comic or sci-fi convention I see dozens of little boys dressed in fezzes and bow ties and waving sonic screwdrivers. I foresee all that stopping instantly the minute a

"Because as I said, I don't think people are suggesting certain black or women actors because they think they'd be best for the job, but simply because they are black or women. That seems as wrong to me as "whites only" seems to you."

YOU think that others have suggested minority or women actors based on their minority

"No one told the poor little girl to go home, or bullied you, or suggested in any way your desire for a race/gender switch was wrong or bad. In fact it's your initial post that is bullying, snarky, and honestly incredibly shallow and sexist. Sometimes the monster is in the mirror, not under the bed."

It's always gross