Ruthless, if you let me

I think the point is that as long as people like Lauren Boebert, Josh Hawley, Margery Taylor-Green, Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan and Mitch McConnell keep getting elected, and you keep voting for the party that literally tried to overthrow a legitimate election, you’re part of that party. Until and unless the collective ‘right

I really think that this should have been an optional package at a larger, cheaper Star Wars themed hotel. I would love to be in a hotel that just looks like Star Wars, but still operates like a normal ass Earth based hotel. I don’t need the actors and story lines. I just want to be in the setting.

Mouth feel. It just sounds awful.

Bone Broth. 

Last weekend I was drunk, high and on shrooms at the same time; not once did I tell anyone, “don’t get vaccinated if you’re 21". Actually the opposite in fact. Also if you realize that people shouldn’t listen to your medical advice because comedian, then maybe stfu and not give said advice. Especially in a global

And I find the latter much more dangerous. You can't cure stupid.

We have two pandemic ravaging this country.

Covid...and rampant, emboldened, blissfully arrogant stupidity.


According to the Tommy’s Matchbook gun’s lore tab, it’s because all of the Hunters are avoiding the Tower as much as possible, because no one wants to be voluntold into being the new Hunter Vanguard.

I know for a while people were wanting Shiro-4 for D1's Rise of Iron to be made the new Vanguard, but personally I’m

Now playing

The best part of Death Stranding was Chvrches song for it called Death Stranding.

Can you guys ask the venture capitalists to make articles take up less space? It’s kind of hard for me to watch both of the “recent videos” that started playing in two separate places when I’ve got four or five lines of text distracting me.

Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.

rip pacman

Well obviously you aren’t going to need a jacket up on that fucking cross you’ve put yourself on, hoss.


You’re making less than 50k as an accountant? I imagine you have a lot of TFW moments then.

They’ve been flappin’ their gums about this for over 20 years. Time to put up or shut up.

Why even make it a Ghost in the Shell movie if all you want to make is a ‘I must get my memories back to stop the government!!’ Bourne Identity action thriller?

Please keep the weather intro. It’s a nice transition into the show and it feels like it brings me into the conversation.

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessing of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”