Flying up to Idaho from Los Angeles (61.2%) to watch it from good ole Beaver Dick Park (100%.)
Flying up to Idaho from Los Angeles (61.2%) to watch it from good ole Beaver Dick Park (100%.)
The artist loish also did some early concept art for Horizon.
Yeah, they are using a bunch of the modded civs for V. Modding in VI is slim so far since the tools haven’t been released by Firaxis. Seems to be an edit to the post that corrects it to V as well. Sneaky Luke!
I think this is till running in V, not VI, based on the commentary of the Community Patch they are using. to help the AI. The (promo) image they are using for Mk III also features the ‘V.’
The garbage will do.
The Tequila Merkin/Merlin is also fantastic. (I visited their brewery last weekend.)
The Kill One Dude patrol mission always seems to yield me 25 reputation instead of the other mission's 10. More bang for my buck (or time) in that case.
Bleargh! It's so hard to get into the city on the weekdays. Maybe if work isn't crazy this week. (Haha!)
I know the ogre is in there as a statue. It's equivalent would be the krogan head pictured above. I figured Patricia was talking about an actual enemy you have to fight, and the yahg came to mind. Either that or a Brute.
Gipsy is 260' I think, which puts it about the size of Clover. I think Cherno was the tallest around 280' which puts it on par with Leatherback.
As a former resident of Hermosa/Redondo Beach I'll agree to this statement whole-heartedly. I'd regularly encounter 3-4 subtypes in a day.
I still call it the Valley of the Dirt People.
To be fair, the bartender did say that droids weren't welcome at his bar. These are probably trophies from the previous droids that didn't listen to him.
Frosty and fries! I'm glad to see this already mentioned.
I'm from Southern California originally, and I only know it because my grandparents were from Ohio. I never saw it anywhere else other than their house for holiday parties. Living in Northeast now (1.5 years) and I haven't been to any place that's had it.