Ruthless, if you let me

Funny, because nothing confirms my happiness of being in a stable, healthy, long term relationship like Dr Nerdlove’s columns.

is it x

We already got a good video game movie. It was called Mortal Kombat.

I usually prefer to move on continuously, but whatever works for you.

It took me this far down to find someone reasonably sane who actually mentions Multi-Grain Cherios. God bless

I’m an alum, and this story has been circulating like mad among my peers - consensus seems to be that a formal apology and then some tangible *thing* needs to happen. I absolutely 100% would donate to a scholarship like Ms. Crump described.

Why torture youself with voyager? Treat yourself. Watch some DS9.

If you’re going in for an interview, know pivot tables. I use them once in a while but every interview for my past couple of jobs had asked me if I knew how to use them effectively.



Mech Commander 2. I play it at least once a year. Usually in January. I know every mission backwards and forwards and like to try new tactics and different pilots every time but it’s still fun.

If we only post when they pay us, and they stopped paying us, then why would we have posted this? Yeah, you just got Kotaku’d. Eat it.

How the fuck can I not get a job with ESPN.

The IOC would feel really bad about this, but in their defense, the bribes were exceptionally large.

My EDM test is to simply ask “Would this sound better on ecstasy?” and if the answer is YES, then it’s EDM.

WSP-1 Wasp...

Notice he wasn’t charged with destruction of property.

Velvet Merlin/Merkin by Firestone Walker, their Winter Seasonal Oatmeal Stout is simply fantastic.