They're also, evidently, delicious.
They're also, evidently, delicious.
Sarah Kuhn is pretty great too.
In a burrito.
On your last point, I read (or was told by a nutritionist) that the same signal your brain gets for "hungry" is the the same as "thristy." Any idea if this is actually accurate?
Picture 2 needs 87 more Luftballoons.
Reverse GIS says it's from Y The Last Man #2. Not the cover, but an interior image I am guessing. Link is all borked up to get you to the direct image. (There is writing across the top that says "Washington D.C. Two Months Later.")
I just turned 30 and haven't ever really had a hangover. As I've gotten older, I've also started to drink a lot of water right before I go to sleep though. (I figure my fading youth wouldn't be able to handle it as well anymore.) Usually I just feel tired from lack of sleep- stay out til 02:00, wake up at 05:30...
I still think I'd have difficulty getting any time off of work.
If he has two... #justsayin
Obviously they want everyone to live forever. Rico is so disappoint.
I love the top image.
Mohamet was obviously the ancestor to Bad Horse, the Thoroughbred of Sin.
Yeah. The human capability for deceit is nigh endless.
He is pretty great in that movie. No more dramas for Tatum!
Did you try clicking on them to expand the image?
#offtopic- How'd you like Moonrise Kingdom? It was sold out in a bunch of places this weekend so I didn't get a chance to watch it.
Indubitably. I've been working it around in the actual announcement post though. Don't want to be always dismissed here...
Like mounting some kind of weapon. Even if it proved ineffectual they still could have rammed the ship to make the writers/whatever happy so that the plot point still existed...