Ruthless, if you let me

Only visibly right? I don't see any failing really.

As far as I understood, they were visibly "kaput" so to speak.

West, that's true. Going East you get into J-Town before crossing the river. I can't think of anything past the river at all.

There are a bunch of things not technically on 1st St, as their addresses are on other streets, but for most intents and purposes they are on 1st. City Hall is on 1st St, even if it's official address is on Spring St. Same with Disney Concert Hall (between 1st & 2nd St.) LADWP is also on 1st, though technical address

I like how it's implemented here. Much better than the earlier Gawker builds. Forums look okay so far too. At least what I've seen of #oppo test forum here at Deadspin.

Extremely casual sex.

I think that one is more of a Bromantic comedy.

Yes, she's editing Books' Bible right there.

TMNT fans obviously.

#nsfw images go in a reply on non-#nsfw posts.

*Clicks link* This TMJD thing sounds awful. Approximately 35 million people in the United States suffer from TMJ problems at any given time. WOT!

It's safe to presume that if the post attempts to explain Prometheus you can put spoilers about Prometheus in the comments.

Was that first paragraph really necessary? As much time as you spent on writing this comment, you should have really cleaned up that tone.

This one? Appears to be a different author.

Depends on which are the superior dancers. This cyborg has yet to meet a robot challenger he can't beat.

Hm. I thought it was an aphrodisiac because the Omicronians thought it was related to human reproductive systems. Guess I need to go back and watch it again.

Not covered in item 5?

...after eating a portion of parboiled squid along with its internal organs. Parboiled is somewhat of a loose term, but the squid was at least partially cooked, so not entirely raw.

Huh. It's been years since I played the original, and I simply didn't remember that. *shrugs* Either way, it's not like he's ever just strolling about town or relaxing at the beach.