Ruthless, if you let me

Hahaha! That was good.

Chewbacca don't need no medal. It would have clashed with his badass bandolier.

He's the reason I'll be going to watch in a theatre this weekend...

As I understand it, there are a bunch of missing dialogue in the demo. They didn't include everything.

Heh. The line breaks were in my original comment, but were removed when I edited some wording.

It is because of the lack of space after the period. The html must be parsing it as a link.

I bet someone on Etsy can make something for your Android phone.

Right there with you. I was a bit worried, which is why I delayed my pre-order. All fears have been allayed and I am so very excited for it to be released. Going back and doing new runs through ME1 & 2 now to be properly set up.

Perhaps they are not as discriminating at other cantinas?

Is there a limited amount of times that I can play it? Otherwise, I'll just start again and again and again....

Don't call him Shirley.

It's one guy. $20 probably only covers his cost to ship. If you don't ship in huge volumes, rates are usually pretty high for shipping.

If you reply to a non-starred commenter it promotes by default.

Who says Yoda is the one dreaming? Given that Yoda talks in the backwards fashion, perhaps we are meant to see it the other way around, ie that Hulk is dreaming big of Yoda? You can't parse Yoda speak into a two word imperative sentence, so you have to parse the whole image.

Ah. Thank you. I have previously been unaware of the series.

My desktop rotates every 60 minutes I think. Just more for the rotation!

So, this was mentioned a lot. Where would I find the Saloon?

That show is more Fantasy than Science Fictional though. I'd be disappointed if it didn't show up on the Fantasy list.

I found it tedious as well. :P