I donno- When I had dogs their food was often just like my food. Chicken, rice, and vegetables. (I may or may not have had a dog with a very finicky digestive system.)
I donno- When I had dogs their food was often just like my food. Chicken, rice, and vegetables. (I may or may not have had a dog with a very finicky digestive system.)
Your assumption of No. 4 is correct, and so many people aren't getting the tongue in cheek joke.
Yeah, first time I did a run through KoTOR I did Korriban first. All subsequent playthroughs Korriban was last, or as close to last as I could make it. Terentateks didn't stand a chance at that point. (Master level Speed + dual wield = Crazy damage output.)
I think the Bones team would figure it out pretty quick. There'd be a new "King of the Lab" that week.
Unobtanium sword metal. Light and incredibly strong.
I wish I could draw that well right now. Current age: 29.
I sense a new Syfy movie in the works already!
Hahaha! That's great.
I think they acknowledge that with the line: Also, Anastasia's hanging with them just to show off how obscure and "Don Bluth" she is.
Strictly economically, it's a good tax break. There are other economic incentives as well like cheaper health insurance costs. (It's cheaper to add one person to coverage than have two people on separate coverages, usually.)
Ah. There are parts of it that I really enjoyed; parts where I could really see he was a good writer. I think there was too much other stuff holding it back though. I'll give Snow Crash a go, sooner or later, since that seems to be the most highly recommended of his other works.
I read it this past year for the first time, as my first book by him. It doesn't seem that dated... but I still didn't like it very much. There is so much infodump. He could have chopped out 300 pages from that book.
I am reminded of the Eurotrip name ordeal.
Power is sexy. Nothing wrong with that.
That guy looks like Mal Reynolds!
I get that it gives him an interesting twist. I suspect he will go out of control at some point, and people will have to team up to defeat him, in doing so he'll lose the Cyttorak power, and he'll revert to regular Colossus again.
No, they do not understand what science is in those cases.
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I will send you those books if pictures will be posted.
Ah! If you did though, your enemies would underestimate you. Or it'd get in the way.