Ruthless, if you let me

I see, so he really is Colossu-naut now, or Coloss-orak, or Cyto-sus. Thank you for the explanation.

I don't get it, the gem gave him Juggernaut's helmet? I think the helmet looks exceedingly dumb.

Space: Above and Beyond is just about due for a remake. MAKE IT HAPPEN! I WILL WATCH IT.

Very weird. What does that say about the forks, etc (that are eventually) used at dinner? I mean, that's a pretty intimate experience for those utensils. How could Belle or the Beast ever look them in the eye once the spell is broken?

I think no one ages in Beauty and the Beast. Since the castle itself wasn't put under the spell, it still gets weathered, older, etc.

They probably died of gangrene after that.

That's just the whisking attachment. There are a few different attachments that can be interchanged.

Those are much more likely to eat you, after killing you. Unless of course you just shout at it.

So much in agreement here. Watched it the day after Christmas. Such a damn good movie.

I was in a Gamestop on Tuesday picking up my copy of SWTOR. Guy came in asking if they had "Battlefront II, for the original Xbox." Of course they said no. I told him that was unfortunate because that game is so awesome & I still play it from time to time. Looking back, I think I was kind of a jerk...

I was really hoping that "Olga's" from the top image was a restaurant. I want to go there.

Oh, that is great. (I am saving for later.)

It's like the movie madness bracket io9 did in March. Head to head matches where the winner went on to the next round. Jezebel has done Pie vs Cake in the past- Lines were drawn, brother fought against brother. They just determined the "Worst Christmas Song" via tournament - bracket style. [jezebel.com]

I'd imagine it was an in-joke at Google. Employees tell family/friends & it grows from there.

I wouldn't mind space combat like it was handled in Battlefront II. It was still sort of 2D, with options and possibilities to move in 3D space.

Hah! We were based in LA, but we were sourcing directly from Chinese fabric mills & labs.

I can think of other things I'd rather do nekkid, but those just lead to getting more dirty.

The biggest challenge with clothing and nanoparticles was always making a piece of clothing that would retain the properties even after a few washes. I am dubious about their claim that the nanoparticle coating remains intact even after a regular wash cycle. I used to work with a clothing company that was pioneering

I think the bees would constitute a choking hazard. :P

I try to give them a fighting chance sometimes. A few medics here and there. If I can have just one guy left then I know I've not only won, but won in style.