Ruthless, if you let me

I uh.... haven't figured that out yet? One giant massive Kerrigan races versus a coalition disparate races?

Was it only the Z-H hybrids? I thought some other things was referenced... I don't even know anymore. It's been too long since I've played WoL.

I am still convinced that by the end of the trilogy she will be commanding all three unit types. Started as Zerg. Now that she is quasi-restored she has Human aspects too. With the intro of the weird Zerg-Protoss hybrid in WoL, she'll somehow control some Protoss aspects too, via some ancient artifact.

Shiny! Thanks for the link. I will have to remember it when I get back home tonight.

I bet they would make another set.

It's true!

We did in July: [io9.com] I am still down for a meetup somewhere. I can't bring the star power of the Annalee & CJA, but I'm always up for something...

Slightly more full eye brows on the guy too; and different hairlines.

tfaw has it for $27.99. I pre-ordered mine from there. [www.tfaw.com]

2nd link above works. ;)

You could organize the other Seattle-ites on the same day.

Anyone find Waldo in "Stroll on Tattooine" yet?

So very tempting. If I wasn't trying to go to Kauai over Thanksgiving I'd probably be up there.

These are the best. You should absolutely go if you are in the area.

Love the Ruby Rhod cosplayer. Never seen that before.

I prefer cannibalism.

Didn't Super do this too? I remember renting it on TWC's OnDemand for 48 hours for $5 or something like that while it was still in theatres.

That was good. Well played.

I'm a big fan of KoTOR 2 as well.

I am in the same boat I think. I adored the first, bought the second right away. Glitchy as hell, not nearly as fun- One of the random glitches ended up giving me all the achievements except for 2.