Ruthless, if you let me

Really? Well crap. I read somewhere recently that said it wasn't going to be in 3D. What the hell did I read then?

I think I turned those missions into sneaking missions when I did it on Legendary. Run, hide, run the whole last few levels...

A good man.

It's not going to be in 3D.

Iron Man suits are the evolution of cars. :P

Wouldn't it effectively be a CloneShep then?

Now playing

The trailer is made of so much goodness.

I sure hope they aren't relying on the lysine contingency either.

I like this re-imagining, as well as the others he did.

Here are some other pics, from Bones' newly minted FB page.

Maybe, depends on the size. Whippets are a medium size, larger of the two smaller greyhounds. My Italian Greyhound is about 13lb. It is hard to get a sense of size from the picture, but I think it's an IG. I have friends that have a similar sized IG when looking at the LAIKA house picture.

Yeah, this is a good timeline.

Where do the space marines from the Alien trilogy fit into your timeline?

Is this mouse comfortable if you have giant bear hands?


That movie is so under-rated.

Thank you so much for using that picture Meredith. I am laughing so hard right now.

Huh. The QR code on Meredith's ID took me to the District 8 Facebook page. I predict that they are going to organize some kind of competition between the Districts at a later point.