Ruthless, if you let me

Superboy-Prime appears to be awful, simply the worst.

Not really sci-fi/fantasy, but I thought that part of the movie was hilarious.

The movie is great.

Well, you saved me a trip to the grocery store. Thanks!

Hehe. "Planned" in the sense that I moderately like Agent 99 and I wouldn't turn it off right away once it eventually makes it to cable.

Who dies? I'd planned to see it, but never had a chance to do so. You are probably saving me a couple of hours that I can devote to reading/gaming/whatever.

I am surprised Skyrim isn't higher.

I'm gonna have to check it out tonight after work! Even if they are derived from cheese solids I'll try it. I love me some imitation crab, so matter converted cheese shouldn't be a problem.

Hehe. I had just assumed there was no "real" cheese in it at all. I don't have a problem with re-arranged atoms- I really like imitation crab.

Yeah... you might not be that impressed with it. It might be "all natural" but I still think it has a weird artificial-like flavor to it. I much prefer sugar.

Agreed. I've never liked the artificial sweeteners either.

"Cheez Whiz did have different cheeses in it..."

Interesting that you mention the soundtrack. I think it was the first movie soundtrack that I bought. We used to play the Home Run Durby of whichever MLB game was out that summer with the soundtrack playing on the stereo- we all doubled our scores whenever we listened to it.

Here's another then. I liked the original MK a lot. I will not however stand by any of the sequels.

PC or console? (I am not sure this makes a difference in terms of AI.)

Gonna try to embed it here....

Well that's almost certainly true. I did have this image in my head of a larger deer lightly traipsing it's way through the DMZ avoiding all the land mines though while saying "Haha! Suckers! No one can eat me here!"

I have the highest hopes for the Mass Effect adaptation. Partly because BioWare is so closely involved with it thus far.

I first thought it was strange that the deer wouldn't set off the land mines in the Korean DMZ. Then I read that they were only about 17kg max (~38 lbs for us Americans.) I wonder if larger (or even any) animals have set off the land mines.

Ah. Thanks everyone!