Which movie?
Which movie?
I missed my opportunity when I was in NYC this past weekend... :(
I'm sure someone would pay to see that, online.
I'd also like some more Luther. Not the same show runners or anything, I just would like more of that show too.
Slightly bigger version: [img2.timeinc.net]
Definitely falls in number 3.
Well, it shows both: Flimsy to the non-perk player, purple to me. If I pick up the purple, the flimsy stays there & vice versa. Though we always pick up a purple/gold item before the crappy selling fodder stuff anyway.
Strange. When I play co-op, since I have a few perks that make the drops better someone else will see a Flimsy Katana or something, where I'll see a purple Dangerous Katana. The difference is that they can't pick up my purple katana. They can only pick up the crap weapon.
If you offered Tang, I might've accepted. Tang's earthbound cousin Kool-Aid? No thanks.
Ha! "Invite friends" button on the contest page... Heck no! I'm not decreasing my chances at winning!
My mind: ASPLODE!
I missed it when it was on TeeFury due to insane hours at work and being so damn tired when I got home. I hope 604 does a run of them.
If I can blow or wipe the shmutz off fairly easily, then it's okay by me.
I've trained my dogs very well. If something hits the floor, they will stare at it until I give the okay. Works even with steak or bacon- those are mine.
I think it's more that LA has a lot of competing styles, spread over such a large area. SF does have some very nice architecture, but it seems to blend in together for me. Buildings in Mission, Sunset, to Cow Hollow all sort of looked the same. All very nice, but sort of the same for me. (Speaking as a fairly frequent…
I've been complimented many times wearing this hoodie: [biowarestore.com]
Bought/built a Dell to spec a couple of years ago since my company (at the time) got a corporate discount with them. Not sure if it was because I bought with the company's discount, but the Cotomer Sevis was great. Computer itself has been performing like a champ- no build quality issues with any of the components.
Yeah. The original post where this was mixed with others only showed the very last picture. Looked like a lioness body. The other pics discount it being a lioness body though.