Ruthless, if you let me

Does anyone know if Lions & Cheetahs can interbreed? As in Lion + Tiger = Liger or Tigon.

It's looking fantastic. Thanks for the picture.

FancyVader is so great.

Yeah. Definitely looks like Dirge.

I specifically stated what was ban-worthy: Really? Slow news day, I guess. It does not come off as a joke. "Slow news day" is in the same category as "first" and similar comments. The remainder of the comment was fine, which is why it was a warning & not a ban.

"Really? Slow news day, I guess."

They put a silencer on it. And then launched it when no one was looking.

You had 4 votes!


Castle: Cool Halloween costumes and almost 4th wall winks & nods towards (certain members of) the audience?

Can I vote 4 times for the same song? (Note, I am not voting for Firefly.)

Since it's a bar, I would guess that this meetup is 21+ only.

I request that you greet everyone with the salute from Third Rock from the Sun.

I flew standby on my last trip to Hawaii. My brother's mom works for Delta. Flight isn't full? Free upgrade to first class. Flight crew didn't ask for my ID when I ordered any of my vodka tonics. (I was 17.) Whoo!

What? This is the internet, why wouldn't someone take my word for it?

I like Rory's lines in the "AGMGTW" episode of this series (6) of Doctor Who.

I usually give her a business class upgrade. Also, she's not really a butler. More like a Girl Friday.

Most efficient way for me: Fly first class. By the time everyone else is boarding, I already have a drink in hand.

Probably supported through the mod community. :P

Don't worry, they will be digitally added frame by frame during post.