Ruthless, if you let me

It needs sound right? I guess I'll watch it when I get home. In the dark. That should help.

So I'm told. Most of the people I know only do it socially. Drinking and smoking tends to go hand in hand for them. There are times that I have been curious, very curious sometimes, but I promised myself long ago I'd never have a cigarette, or a cigar for that matter.

I don't personally, but the friends that do smoke have said they started it out of boredom, or for the social interaction. Bumming a cigarette, or providing a light is an easy way to break the ice. Some of them also like the flavor. They all say they like the nicotine buzz.

1) Don't call people names. It'll get you a warning or banning very quickly.

I already know more than I want to know about The Avengers and I haven't read any of the stories/posts/leaks on it yet. The Dark Knight Rises for that matter too. Yeah, yeah- spoilers don't really affect anything. It all seems so early for all the leaks/spoilers. Am I wrong? I don't recall this with previous Marvel

A 3.7 freaked me out about a month ago. I was one mile from epicenter, and it struck at 12:57am, right at the crossover moment that I was about to go into dreamland. I couldn't tell if I had a waking dream, or what the heck happened.

That's what I find most interesting. Friends in Toronto and South Carolina felt it. The Appalachians must be really conductive.

I am thinking Bond's next villain should have an earthquake-generating machine.

Seems to be working for me right now.

Damn right it's a classic.

That's it? I hear a lot of stuff about/from him then. Point taken.

Favreau seems to be actively going out there to defend Whedon or reassure people about him. Does Favreau or the studio think it's necessary? Favreau was good for Iron Man, but I think he captured lightning in a bottle for that movie. His projects since then have not been as good. #imo

I didn't actually look at that picture very much. :P

Hank Hill takes issue with the statement. Taste the meat, not the heat. Edit- You can find him further down thread. :P

We do not eat fish. Fish are our friends.

Linking is fine, just make sure to note that it is NSFW. (Better safe than sorry in this case.) Just don't embed NSFW pics.

Haha! True enough. We will all be assimilated into the machine.

This was done by Garrison Dean, not part of Conan's marketing team.

Pomster is great.

Check your #sarc-detector. :P