Ruthless, if you let me

I am not entirely sure They Live is fiction anymore...

What are your thoughts on Mass Effect? Just cursory is fine, I can't get to wordpress at work.

If one is not done by the time I get off from work, I will make it my project this evening.

Hah. I should have reloaded. Everyone above me covered the same ground. Maybe it's the D-Pad? (Worked fine for me on the demo.)

I played the demo on 360. Why would you need the PS3?

So far, my favorite is the stage musical featuring Troy McClure.

You can link to it with a NSFW warning, just not embed it. I'm just trying to head off the complaints. ;)

The top picture was not. The comment/picture I moved was a screencap of Dany head to toe naked with the three dragons.

Heh. Mine is still working like a champ, so I think I'll be selling it cheap to my sister (or someone else that might appreciate it more.) If I could recoup $50 I'd be okay with that.

In the future, do not embed a NSFW picture unless the main article is NSFW.

Not enough explosive Bayhem in either one to qualify.

I now share your dream. I would immediately sell the Star Wars 360 I recently pre-ordered for that. Then I'd re-buy the ME trilogy. (I have it all on PC right now.)

I'd hate to see what a Baysian study would yield: Transformers 4: Attack of the Oort Cloud!

Okay. Everyone might have convinced me not to watch it. I still might do it if available on Netflix InstantWatch.

Eddie Izzard was in it too?! Now I have to watch it.

I would have watched the Avengers movie if I knew Connery was in it. This is the first I've heard of it.

I'm fine with all this cool stuff happening. Pic got bigger when I clicked it.

Most of the people I know just insert letters semi-randomly until some obscure word works.

Splosions too.