Ruthless, if you let me

I had been looking around for you for a pro assessment of the Cheetion mashup. As for my untrained eye, seemed like the legs, body, & tail are all straight up lion.

Can't. Stop. Laughing.

I think it's a straight up 'Shop, but I haven't examined the pixels closely.

Han put the modifications in himself. Hack away.


[Beaten to the punch re: that Cheetion.]

The shoes they currently have available are $100 & $130. I would expect something like that.

10 years ago.

Yes. Yes I do.

I am intrigued by your ideas and would like to sign up for your newsletter.

Love the "Y U NO" meme.

One of the guys on the #observationdeck regularly posts detailed viewership results after the most recent episode. I think Doctor Who is pulling about 33% of all TV viewers at their time slot. (I think it ends up being ~8 million viewers.) Seems like that is a good number.

I'll try to get some one my camera. Hope that my battery survives.

I hope for a BatPack. Batman + Jetpack.

Thanks! I'll check it out.

I usually pass for a "bro" elsewhere.

Does it offer just regular "nature" sounds? A lot of the soothing "go to sleep" music that is offered always has that soft new wave music with the nature sounds.

It wasn't even really my idea. I swear. I just enthusiastically supported it.

Woah hey wait. Duke and Baroness were bro/sister? I thought Baroness/Cobra Commander were siblings? Duke & Baroness they tried to make into a love story thing I thought. Did I miss that this was set in the backwoods of Alabama?

Which one? SF is a cafe, but LA is a bar. I'll be drinkin at the LA Meetup. (That's not to say that I didn't hit a bar before the last SF meetup at Borderlands...)