
Ugh, that sucks. I don’t condone violence, but a situation like that would leave anyone feeling punchy. And having to stew when all you want to do is have it out really requires expert-level willpower.

Yes, that’s definitely true. I’ve been so appalled at the side of America that I’ve seen in the past year that I thought we had evolved past. Clearly I had my head in the sand. I went from thinking we were a fairly evolved nation with a small minority of racist, sexist idiots to thinking they are the majority.

I definitely agree with that.

I think America is more SEXIST than people realized. After all, a black man got elected twice. It was the white, very qualified, woman who was beaten by the baboon in a bad wig.

I’ve read plenty of high school essays (I’ve got a batch of younger siblings) and they are generally worse than this. Add to that that English is not her first language and she just RECENTLY crossed over into America, I don’t know why you are so unwilling to consider that this is likely not a statement she personally

Thank you, fellow grammar nerd! I hate that particular error.

Didn’t she break off an engagement to be with Tim? Not to be a party pooper or anything...

Just to clarify that photo - those are the fascists hung upside down, not their victims. Mussolini was eventually killed and hung upside down in Milano. What the caption underneath says (Guistizia e fatta) means justice is done. So this is the people of Italy rising back up and getting rid of the fascists.

I get what you’re saying, and I agree. While statistically men are and always have been more violent, it’s a bell curve. There may be more men on the violent end of the bell curve than women, but a majority of men still fall into the “not violent” end of the curve. I do not think men are inherently violent either - if

Yep, me too! I called because of something super-non-emergency once (311) and they transferred me to 911. And I’ve called the police department near me once as well, and was told to call 911.

I was curious, so I googled. Based on a Wikipedia article on speculative fiction, only 22% of the sci-fi books submitted to Tor Publishing in 2013 were written by women, and they’re one of the big fantasy/sci-fi publishers. So, based on this, the list is actually pretty representative. I wasn’t shocked by this, but

My take on it isn’t that you have to have kids, but if you do have them it is normal to prioritize them. As in, taking care of your family is normal and required, not that having a family is. Just my two cents.

Making another animal who hasn’t any choice in the matter, nor hands to scratch with, take the fall actually seems really unfair.

Could be she went by Hilary in HS to fit in more, and then embraced her weird name after? I mean, I don’t know, but it seems plausible.

There actually is such a show.

Maybe I misunderstood, but your statement sounded like you were against universal healthcare. If it’s not the case, then yay, we agree.

Um, I’ve lived in Europe. The universal health care is awesome. When I was sick I was seen very quickly (and completely for free!) and was able to pick up my medicine right away, also for free. You pay slightly higher taxes for this, but it’s more than worth the peace of mind.

Just curious, but did you getting measles change her mind at all? I always wonder what it would take to get an anti-vaxxer to embrace vaccines.

And I can’t help thinking of the anguish of the birth mother, if she ever finds out. She presumably gave up her baby in order to give her a better life. Instead, it ends like this. It’s tragic on so many levels.

I JUST moved to LA this year, and let me tell you, it gets cold at night. COLD. I feel really betrayed by this whole “nice year round” narrative I was sold. Screw that. As a former Floridian, it’s COLD.