
So I’m currently undergoing my third round of egg freezing. I’m in my mid-thirties, absolutely for sure want biological kids (if spending 30k didn’t already make that obvious), and for me, egg freezing has been a way of giving myself time I wouldn’t otherwise have. My anti mullerian hormone level is really low for my

Even still I’d find it unacceptable. Like someone else said, there are certain diseases that can be transmitted through breast milk. It’s a bodily fluid! I wouldn’t let anyone else, and certainly not a stranger, breastfeed my kid.

Most of the women you named got famous years or decades ago. I know when I listen to country radio (a somewhat guilty pleasure) the station plays maybe 1 female artist to every 8 or 9 men. I even went to their website to verify this, since they have their playlist of what’s playing fully listed there, and it is much,

Well, some of us were premature. And how does this guy know this girl wasn’t? She could have been born up to 3 months, early, making her only 6 months older, and possibly making his argument moot.

Agree. Having a mental breakdown and being managed, like a child, even years later by her father is not my definition of “fine.” And to reply to a comment further down, we don’t really know if she’s truly happy or not. Her image is very managed and controlled. I know I would not be happy as an adult being under anyone

He pushed hard for single payer. I remember that fight, and how republicans in congress fought tooth and nail against it. What we got was a compromise, but it was the best we were able to get with the other side basically in lock step against it.

Apparently his parents DID, and his siblings were born here, so he’s literally the only one who never bothered. Which puzzles me as well. Why wouldn’t you?

Her mother was American, and therefore she’s a natural born citizen (and eligible to run). Though there is a bit of a gray area - some people take it literally as born IN the US, the constitution clearly says natural born citizen. Since she never had to apply for citizenship and is a citizen by birth, she is eligible.

What bugged me is that in a recent interview she said she felt like the paparazzi wanted to get a photo of her breaking down or being less than perfect, because there is money in that, and she didn’t want to give that to them. “So suddenly there was a level of violence, it felt, in the air, that is not a thing that

She will pass laws that affect a lot of people, therefore potentially hurting them. An abuser should not have that kind of power. 

I don’t think it’s about success, it’s about power. I think it’s coming forward if the abuser is about to be in a position of POWER and about to have the ability to influence policy and laws. They can be as successful as they want, but once they start to have the ability to hurt/affect entire populations, victims may

The most annoying thing about this schedule is that it could literally be shifted back by three hours and nothing would have to change except kid pickup and lunch. There is no REASON it has to start at 2:30 and end at 7:30 (why on earth would a healthy adult want to end their day at 7:30???). 

See, I love anything salty but a salt bagel is still too much salt for me.

But in a marriage, a good one, you WOULD believe the accusers are liars. If I married someone it would mean I believed they were a good person with all my heart. So I would assume accusations against them were a lie, and would be heartbroken to later found out I was fooled. I completely support believing victims, but

He was her husband. Unless you’ve made a deal with the devil and KNOW your spouse is a predator, you presumably believe in their innocence. And if you do, you should immediately proclaim it. If I was charged with terrible things, I’d want my spouse’s kneejerk reaction to be that they believed me 100%, until proven

Yeah, that shit is in EVERYTHING. I’m doing egg freezing because my ovaries are all messed up and prematurely old, and I’m trying to avoid chemicals and let me tell you, it’s impossible. Using hippie shampoo, avoiding nail polish, and using glass tupperware is about what I’ve managed to do.

I had the same reaction. Like, yes, having insurance is great, but losing your home and all the memories it contained (wedding photos, souvenirs, etc) sucks for anyone. And when people die in those fires, I don’t think their relatives are comforted by their bank accounts.

IDK, my dad’s pretty great. Though I think a lot younger than Mr. Markle (either that, or he looks rough for his age). 

While I am a fan of sunscreen, I also want to point out that many people, who work in offices all day, are actually vitamin d deficient, which is unhealthy. A few minutes of sun unhampered by sunscreen each day won’t kill you, and is actually healthy.