
He’s gross. Don’t listen to him. I’m really not sure what some people get out of being pointlessly nasty online.

Yes, I need to educate myself more on this issue. On the surface, I actually agree with voting no. But I generally lean left, and certainly don’t want the crazy conservatives gaining power in another of my countries (sob). And even a stopped clock is right twice a day, so maybe even after research I’ll agree with no.

I can actually vote in Italy, since I’m a dual citizen, but I moved recently and didn’t notify the embassy, and so didn’t get any absentee voting paperwork, and I’ve been so busy I didn’t even realize till a couple weeks ago that this vote was happening. If this goes the wrong way I won’t even be able to complain,

Many states have exceptions for those. I just googled it and one of the first hits was King County’s rules on this :

Many states have an exception if you’re selling them to fundraise for a non-profit or church or something (therefore bake sales would qualify), as long as you have a sign clearly stating they were made in a non-inspected kitchen. This lady was selling them for her own profit (however small), not for a potluck or bake

Yeah, there’s definitely a difference between plain frugal and Scrooge-level cheap. I think I’m frugal but not cheap. But I think a lot of rich people are careful with money, especially old money. Some are frugal and cheap, some are frugal but generous. I think the impulse to hoard money is probably why some of these

Well, yeah, totally. I think some rich people fall on the benignly frugal side, and some on the cheapskate ripoff side, but I do think quite a few old money families are way more careful with money than most people would think.

I mean, if we’re talking natural selection, than no one at all has the right to any assisted fertility technology...since if we’re being all natural and shit infertile people would not have kids and their genes would not be passed on. Since obviously that’s not the case, and infertile people DO have the right to get

I’ve long thought the wealthy were very frugal, day to day. I think that’s part of how they got wealthy in the first place.

Also traitors. Anyone using violence and threates to supress democracy is definitely a traitor to America’s ideals and to the constitution.

No, you sound ridiculous. And it is so offensive as someone whose family members have almost lost their lives to addiction to have someone so blithely dismiss it just because it doesn’t fit their narrow notions of what addiction is.

Isn’t it? I mean, maybe they meant leave it with them or something, or maybe there’s a designated ‘I don’t want my luggage’ room in airports, but all they actually said was that if I abandoned my luggage I could still try to make the plane. Which is obviously crazy on a couple levels. Bottom line, not a huge fan of

The only reason I did airport check in was because I had a luggage full of Christmas presents. They told me if I abandoned my suitcase I could still get on the flight. Like abandoning a suitcase in the middle of an airport is a good idea.

I’ve had some of the worst travel experiences of my life with American, including zero leniency for showing up 5 minutes past their cut off for check in (slept in the airport Christmas Eve), having a plane turn around due to a smoking microwave, and generally bad tempered and rude personelle.

I put soap on my legs when I shave them. Therefore, while I’m not really intentionally washing them, since I have to shave every day or two to avoid stubble, soap makes its way there.

Well, from what I remember inbreeding can cause problems if there are bad recessive genes in the bloodline - they’re more likely to pop up then. But in general, it’s not as bad biologically as people think (though completely gross).

Someone else on the thread said it perfectly. The word female used as a noun is awful and annoying (“Females are so moody,” for example), but using the word female as an adjective is absolutely totally fine. There is nothing wrong with the word female when used properly.

Aarrrggghhhh! Please stop calling any sort of tip or suggestion a hack! That phrase has been used to the ground, buried, reanimated, and then the zombie remains were set on fire. And this isn’t even the proper use of it!

I kind of agree with both of you. It is selfish to condemn someone else to your unpleasant and lonely fate. It is also entirely believable that someone might do it, even someone basically decent, because it would take enormous self-sacrifice and willpower to condemn yourself to a lonely eternity, where you spent 60

What about what this person said seems trolling? I’ve read all their replies and they are really clear that while they are PERSONALLY uncomfortable with living near a pedophile, they ALSO recognize that law should not be based on their discomfort. I see no trolling. People disagreeing with you is not trolling.