
Jesus. As freaky looking as this guy is, and as much as I’d avoid him in real life, I can’t help feeling kind of sorry for him, too. How emotionally damaged do you have to be to do that to yourself?

Sorry that people are attacking you personally just because they disagree with you. It’s the absolute bane of the internet. I personally don’t mind seeing articles like this, since I do miss Gawker, and there is a tech connection, but you certainly have the right to disagree.

Same. 5'2 and even 10 pounds makes a big difference in looking slim vs (in my head) stocky. The thing is, I bet to other people we look small and feminine by default based on our height. Just like I look at tall people and think they look strong and graceful. I think half of everything is just in our heads.

Ha, they’d just pull out, silly ;-p

People would probably have figured out after a couple years to only have babies in the colder months, when there were less mosquitos. They may not have figured out it was the mosquitos causing it, but they’d notice on their own that babies born in winter/spring didn’t have the disease. Depending how far back in time

Was just thinking this. Ruining a toothbrush to save an old hairbrush doesn’t make much sense. Unless it was slated to be thrown away itself anyway.

I don’t necessarily agree with the correlation, but I also think she’s worth listening to. Just like the children of drug users or alcoholics are probably even more vehemently against those substances (unless they’ve fallen into it themselves), it makes sense that someone who suffered additionally due to porn would be

You implicitly said if he was someone else he’d be in jail. Thereby implying he committed an illegal act (ie, rape).

Then why ISN’T it illegal for bosses to sleep with employees or professors to sleep with college students? A highschool is full of minors - the fact that they extend the age limit slightly to keep high school teachers in line makes sense. If a teacher is willing to sleep with an 18 year old, what’s keeping him or her

I think it’s mainly illegal because most high schoolers are minors. If it was just a question of power differential, it would be literally illegal for bosses to sleep with employees. Which it’s not. It’s skeevy, it’s sometimes actionable civilly, sometimes even leads to firing, but people don’t end up in jail over it.

Regardless, this would be more like a college professor having sex with a college student...very much not illegal. Why do you insist on trying to make Monica into a teenager in your made up scenario?

A teacher having an affair with a teacher’s aid (who was in her 20s) would not be in jail. A doctor having sex with an assistant or nurse would not be in jail. Monica Lewinsky was young, sure, but fully an adult. It was totally skeevy for a man in his 40s to have an affair with a woman in her 20s who worked for him,

Scrolled down just to see comments on this. What happened to her?! She was supposed to be one of the grounded celebs.

Haha, thank you, wanted to look up when super delegates were added to show how irrational that statement was, but you beat me to it.

My sister sent a photo of herself doing it, then informed me she was now owed a future punch.

OMG THANK YOU! I hate that raised eyebrow/hooded eye look that is popular now. HATE it. As you can tell by all the caps, this is something that is a huge pet peeve.

Yes! And it’s especially frustrating when I see a cute shirt or dress with a fun neckline/open back where a bra would somehow ruin it completely. It would be nice to find those in a fabric that allowed for going without a bra, without flashing people. I’m fine with wearing a nude bra with most shirts, but I’ve seen

Yeah. Because frankly, a severe disability would probably be the only thing that would personally lead me to an abortion, because I think it is cruel to bring someone into the world who will never be able to live a fulfilling or pain-free life. That’s my personal line in the sand - everyone else has their own - and

It sounds to me from the comment that SHE pays HIM.

Glad everyone stepped up and helped! Though does it look to anyone else like he’s never held a toddler before? He’s holding it like a newborn, lol. Good effort though!