
Listen buddy, you get TWO questions and two questions only. Follow the rules and no one gets hurt. ;-)

Yeah, they are awful. I was 5 minutes late for checkin once due to horrendous traffic, on Christmas Eve, and they refused to make any effort to get me on the flight. I think it may not even have been a full 5 minutes. Worse, they were so blase about it. I ended up spending the night in the airport. The next day the

I may possibly be more outraged at this than at the thought of Starbucks now existing in Italy. Please! Keep the shitty chains out of Italy! Please do not ruin awesome Italian food with American crap! Prices are low enough they’ll get SOME business, and once they get a foothold good luck getting them out. Yuck.

Small point of clarification - I’m sure you didn’t mean it this way, but a Muslim is not the same as a pedophile or racist, even when you qualify it with “who hates the government.” It bothered me in your example. The other two are shitty people practicing shitty/illegal behavior. The other isn’t. I feel like just

There is an awesome documentary, Armor of Light, that just came out and explores EXACTLY this conflict. Follows a pro-life preacher as he begins to question the morality of guns everywhere. Very interesting.

Thanks! :-)

Me maybe? I’m not particularly cool, but not a troll either :-).

I feel like speaking the language fluently can hurt you actually. I speak fluent Italian yet couldn’t do an “Italian” accent in English to save my life. Despite my mom having a heavy one.

I’m with you. I don’t think people doing pointlessly dangerous things are brave or compelling. Useful dangerous things, like running into a burning building to save someone or going to space to eventually save the human race from the destruction of our own planet (so disagree with you on the space point) are great.

You shut your mouth. Paul Newman, at any age, is far hotter than him.

Yeah. Never been pregnant (yet) and can go a couple weeks even now without having a drink at all. But if someone tried to tell me I shouldn’t drink while pregnant one day, I think I would pour myself a glass of wine and sip it slowly right in front of them, just because where do they get off telling me what to do with

Lol. Ironically I find myself slouching too more often then I’d like and then basically mentally yell at MYSELF to straighten up. Like I said, I’m a weirdo.

I think fair or not, I’d be ok with another woman saying that to me but not necessarily with a man doing the same. Not sure why. But I don’t consider it giving someone a nickname, it’s just an expression that (old-timey) people use.

She is very pretty and very talented but (and I know I’m a weirdo) I can barely watch her on screen because she’s always slouching. I feel like a 90-year-old saying so, but I just want to yell at her to straighten up. It’s a strange pet peeve of mine that I can’t stand it when people are habitual slouchers.

Yeah, they are equal levels attractive. She might even be prettier. It’s too bad she doesn’t feel that.

To me the bigger problem is that he wants you to change. Like, if you’re not his physical type maybe that’s not his fault. But it’s certainly not your fault either. And I don’t think a good guy would tell a woman that and then ask her to change. It’s cruel and unhealthy, especially in a world where eating

For the record, I think if he was a frat member when the crimes were committed, then this headline is perfectly fine. “Former frat member” makes it seem like he wasn’t in the frat at the time of the crime. His being a frat member is directly relevant, since the crimes happened at frat parties.

I am honestly so curious as to what she would look like naturally, without the fake lips and hair and makeup. Not that there’s anything wrong with changing yourself if you want to, but she was (is) so young when she started that none of us even know what she WOULD have looked like as an adult naturally. She doesn’t

First thought I had was angry toddler. A cuter look on an actual toddler, not so cute on an adult man.

I read in some article that she knew he was going to lie, just not how outrageous the language in the email would be. So she was at least aware of the deception.