
I actually think the dog might have belonged to someone standing nearby, not the parents, but if not that would certainly be helpful.

Walked by a leashed kid playing with an unleashed dog on the sidewalk yesterday. Was filled with silent judgement as I walked by lol.

Very important point if she is disabled. Definitely blurs the lines of consent. Makes him an abusive asshole instead of just a thirsty thoughtless asshole (and if she wasn’t disabled, I would put her in the second category as well).

Yeah. I was on the phone with her as this occurred and realized what she was doing in time to have her immediately call her bank and change all passwords. But seriously.

OMG my mom is the worst with this. I have told her so many times not to clink email links or put personal info into a webpage, and she literally just like last week clicked on an email supposedly from her bank (it wasn’t) and then input her passwords and everything into the resulting page. I MEAN!!

Er, I don’t think size 4s are as rare in the wild as you seem to think lol. I’m assuming you’re tall. I’m short, not super skinny, and still a size 2. Us shorties count too. I think we’re actually a fairly large group. I wouldn’t consider size 12 to be undersized either (though certainly not oversized!). I think it’s

That sucks. Tattoos are hot. Are you going to tell me something that ruins tall men for me too? Sob.

Whhaaaaatttt????? Someone said that to you? Out loud? Not just in their head? And it was a therapist? Wow.

I think it’s a personal thing. There are others in the thread who have common names and hate that. I’m actually kind of shy, so having a conversation starter when I was younger was helpful. Either way, a name reflects more the personality of the parents than the kid, by necessity, but I don’t think there’s anything

Oh, I don’t want fame or anything. I just want people to pronounce my name right. Some other person with my name can also get famous and achieve the same result. But pronunciation aside, I really like my name and wouldn’t trade it. And I like that I was the only one in my class with the name. If nothing else, it’s

I always wanted Genevieve, which I think is the French version (right? Has to be), and loved the idea of both Rose and Lavender during a brief I-will-name-my-kids-flowers phase that I grew out of. I still like both Genevieve and Rose a lot though.

I don’t know. On the flip side, for parents considering an unusual name, I have one I love it. No one can spell it and almost everyone pronounces it wrong, even after being corrected, but I still like it and like that it’s unusual. Though I do want to somehow become famous enough one day that everyone has learn how to

Where do you read that information? I didn’t see it in either original articles linked to on this page.

My four year old sister has a Hooters shirt. I did too when I was young - I even applied to work there in college, though alas my standard makeup-free barely brushes my hair appearance didn’t quite get me the job. There seriously are people in the world who just like the wings though! I am one of them! Plus as a kid I

Nope, not a thing. I am actually a weirdo who really does like the wings there (and I’m woman, if that gives that statement any credibility) and I have never seen any “moves” at any Hooters I’ve been to. Of course, I usually go only in Florida where I think they are less sleazy by virtue of the fact that all the

Ewww, why are there multiple dog options? Are that many people having sex with dogs? Though, I guess, it makes sense that the same demographic that would have sex with a dog is the one that doesn’t know whether a pregnancy could result. Shudder.

I just discovered this show and I LOVE it and am so afraid it’s going to go off the rails and get so convoluted and ridiculous I will be forced to stop watching. It is just amazing right now, but I’m hoping we don’t get 20 new factions all plotting against each other and that they wrap it up when the time is right.

At 2-3 months old, don’t babies basically look like tadpoles or aliens? I feel like a 3D printed ultrasound at that point won’t really win any hearts and minds.

Super cute.

Now playing the song on repeat. Love it.