
Oh god not even in a relationship and I think about this. I have 3 sisters, one friend that I was maid of honor to, and a friend that has been promised to be my MOH since 1st grade. So right there, to not hurt any feelings, there’s 5 people. And then I have a several other friends that I consider to be very close

Ok, where does she get her casual Jenny Packham stuff? Because when I look at the website, or at any of the other sites that sell her, it seems to be all evening and bridal. Where does this casual stuff come from???

Oops, read that backwards at first and was like, that’s right actually. She did have the baby really fast though. There are several articles that mention the fact that she had the baby a mere 2 hours or so after arriving at the hospital.

Well that makes sense, since I’ve always liked Obama.

Thanks! If I wasn’t such a huge big baby about dentists I would be more resigned to the whole thing. Sigh. Time to put on my big girl pants I guess.

I mean, sometimes in the moment anyone can have a lapse of empathy, especially if you’re going through your own stuff. But yeah, I agree that this guy doesn’t sound like an asshole. I mean, if he was actively sulking on purpose to make her feel bad (which, who knows, we weren’t there) that’s kind of childish but

Anyone ever had a wisdom tooth come in in their 30s? And did you have to have it extracted? Was it hell on earth (apparently the older you are the worse it is?)? And how can you tell if the eruption pain is normal tooth-coming-in pain or OMG get to a dentist your teeth are about to all crack in half pain? Oh, and how

Bread/bagels will get stale relatively quickly, so don’t get too much. Rice cakes maybe to eat the peanut butter on as well, and they store longer. Ramen was my go to in college b/c it lasts forever and you can make it in a microwave (though not particularly healthy, I know). Rice likewise, all you need is a rice

Ok, since I don’t know if you’re a dog or cat person here’s a pic of both, since it sounds like you are having a shitty day. (I hope I’m doing this right, I’m technologically challenged).

Well, petulant isn’t a good look on anyone and I can see why it would turn you off. But we’re all human and he probably took it kind of personally. Chalk it up to a bad date and who knows, maybe one day you guys will end up friends and laugh about the whole thing (probably fairly far down the line though). Anyway, I

Well, honestly, I think you probably wanted someone who was fully focused on your emotions and was able to put aside/not have any of their own. Which is a high bar for anyone to reach. Not trying to be harsh at all - we all have moments like that. Sometimes you want to call a friend and vent and whatever, and not

Ok, how did she barely escape a date rape? He stopped when she asked him to, each time. They fooled around naked and even then he never pushed for more. He was literally inside her and she asked him to stop and he did. I mean, he was mopey about it (probably took it as a personal comment on his abilities) but it

You are one person. That’s like saying that you (for example) got easily pregnant at age 40, so studies that show decreased fertility at 40 are bogus. Of course individual people exist who are fine with closely spaced pregnancy. However on a larger scale they’re finding problems.

Maybe it’s not that they allow more space, but that they take longer to get pregnant? Or, possibly, that since they are older they are (possibly) more highly educated and know it’s better to space?

I think he’d have more of a case if he’d gone suddenly infertile after the procedure. Like, those embryos were his last and only chance to be a dad. Since that does not seem to be the case, then I don’t think he has a leg to stand on legally.

Your problem doesn't seem to be with marriage, but rather weddings. Different. A couple can get married at City Hall with one witness, thereby nullifying many of your arguments (deciding who to invite, expense, stress of planning, etc).

Yeah. I was tentatively supportive of that musician who was 50 and pregnant. 65 is a whole other thing and I am seriously judging it. Of course, people have the right to do whatever they want with their bodies, but all sane and reasonable people also have the right to judge them like crazy. I mean, she’ll be lucky if

The oil cleanse works for me but I do 100% castor oil (no pussyfooting around for me). I generally only do it when I'm already breaking out and I usually see pretty quick improvement. Castor oil rubbed on for a minute or so, then a steaming towel placed on my face to open everything up, then wipe it all off with the

It's strange, because I think makeup can look fabulous, but throughout this whole series I almost always prefer the makeup-free face to the made up one. Maybe this is because I rarely wear makeup myself? But it's actually nice to realize that bare faces can look great.

They don't even allow front hugs, just side hugs. NOT KIDDING, SERIOUSLY! Front hugs could lead to sexy feelings.