
I’m not even saying 3 kids in college. I’m saying 3 kids period. And asking families to live on 15k a year (very very difficult for anyone) so that they can pay 75k in tuition is unreasonable. 75k a year is unreasonable. Tuition in this country is out of control, and asking both students and families to live in

Even a family that makes 150k a year can't afford 75k in tuition. Think about it. Once you pay taxes, you're left with only maybe 85-90k. There may be 2 or 3 kids in the family (or more) that need to be fed/housed/schooled. 150k is a lot of money in regular life, but not anywhere near enough money to afford to fully

A crappy attitude would be a good reason, obviously. But if people are just cheap to be cheap and tip 10% on perfectly good friendly service, they are the ones that reek.

I waitressed for years and years and I was always happy with 20%. More is nice, but it's a bonus. Even slightly under (18% or so) never elicited grumbles. Anything under 15% and you better have a good reason though, like I spilled something on you or forgot your order.

Yes, exactly. Agreed.

In a perfect ideal world (or, you know, Europe) when I have kids I would stay home for like 3 months and then my SO would stay home for like 3 months and then we would decide from there whether we thought baby daycare was a good option for the now-toddler and it would be wonderful and 50/50. But for this to even be an

Wait, didn't Kathy Griffin instigate the whole thing by saying "or weed" after Guiliana said patchouli oil???? I swear she did, and when I googled it I'm not the only one :…

I'm one of the non-makeup wearers and even on dates mascara is usually my version of going all out. I have noticed though that when I look back at pictures of events, I do always look better on makeup days than non-makeup days (duh). So maybe I should try to step it up a bit. But I kind of don't mind my non-makeup

For sure. And how old are they? Because if I was ready to marry someone and they were ready to marry me, I'd be kind of pissed about wasting a year (though I want kids and am in my 30s, so skewed perspective here).

I knew that, but aside from imminent harm or admitting your murdered someone, I didn't think therapists ever had to disclose. It's frightening to find out otherwise.

Yes, I would imagine that just like in the abortion debate, doctors probably don't like their job being politicized or dragged into courtrooms. I agree it should be changed. Shudder.

Wow is that a federal law? Or is it just Oregon? Because that is an incredibly bad law and I am shocked that it exists. I thought patient/doctor confidentiality trumped everything, even in criminal trials.

I kind of feel like this too. There are obvious times when it IS insulting, but a lot of times when other cultures are referenced or used as inspiration, why can't it be seen as powerful and complimentary instead of racist?

That's about what I was thinking. Ouch, but worth it if it means the difference between having kids or not. Thank you!

Quick question, if it's not too personal - how much did the process cost? I'm in my early thirties and would definitely like kids some day, but I'm still single. Is it crazy expensive?

It wasn't her first, (that was me! ha) but I know other women who have gotten pregnant for the first time at 34/35 no problem. It may be slightly harder or take slightly longer, but it's not at all in the getting struck by lightning realm. It's really not until the late 30s that fertility starts to nosedive, and even

I hope this isn't overstepping, but if you truly want kids, 34 is definitely not too old. My brother was an oops baby that my mom had at 39, and with people living older and healthier you wouldn't even be an "old" parent. I mean, 34 (or even 35) is still really within the realm of having a baby even without any

Nope. Just right. In fact, would totally wear this to sit around the house if I owned it. ANY OPPORTUNITY OMG THIS DRESS!

I know. I love that dress. I was never even a princessy person, but I have always loved big flowy dresses. It is the one reason I wish I were a celebrity - an excuse to get super dressed up every couple months.

They actually really irrationally annoy me. I know too much sun is bad and all that, but there is something so finicky about carrying around a parasol in today's day and age. It just irritates me.