
I love you.

Yes and no (for me at least). I actually get a tiny bit chocked up every time I hear it.

Ha, my 3 year old sister also likes I'm in love with the coco...the future generation is doomed.

Oooooohhhhh useful. I have a fairly large bust on a fairly small frame, and I worry about future sag. Maybe I begin to do this (I say maybe b/c I'm fairly lazy).

Oooooohhhhh useful. I have a fairly large bust on a fairly small frame, and I worry about future sag. Maybe I begin to do this (I say maybe b/c I'm fairly lazy).

Yeah, I like NPH. I am surprised that others here seem to not agree. He is delightful :-).

My cats try similar shenanigans. When they get bored they knock over the garbage. Bastards. I love them, but seriously.

My cats also look bigger than they are, because even as kittens they had loose skin that swung near their bellies. Now, I think they are a little plump, but I too have been told I need to put them on strict diets despite the fact that I am already a fairly strict feeder who does not give them snacks or anything. So,

Ok, due to the reflection on the oven, for a moment before I scrolled all the way down I thought the cat was INSIDE there. Which seemed like it was taking things a bit far. Though it certainly would have been warm!

ABCNews actually did a story about just this, with a doctor saying she strongly recommends that people don't do what she did. I'm inspired by her strength and courage for sure, but in this case her common sense may have been lacking. If you body is done, listen to it.

Eh, to young people maybe not. I mean, he was president like almost 4 terms ago, a literal lifetime for some people.

True story - I had a car broken into once, but absolutely nothing taken, and I think they were trying to rob it but weren't able to drive off because it was stick. I still had to replace the window though, so it was basically expensive for me and of no benefit to anyone else, thief included.

Well, yeah, but she's wearing heels (and probably photoshopped) and this woman will be even more extreme than this I think. Though who knows. It just seems like a bad idea from all angles to me. Not my body though.

Right? And it's not even like those women who get super huge implants or crazy modifications, but then they can make money off how strange they look. I mean, there's plenty of women who are naturally 6 feet tall, so there's not much market for selling those pictures or stories. Her proportions will be weird, but I

I've heard of people of average height doing this, but never to this extent. And I thought it was crazy that doctors would do it at all for those people.

But she's going to look so disproportional. That's 8 inches, just in her legs. Maybe an inch or two is understandable or falls within the umbrella of routine plastic surgery. But how are her doctors at all willing to do this when it is so damaging and won't even achieve her goal?

Oh see I think it's the opposite. I've never discussed masturbation with my friends, but guys masturbating is a well known and common thing that is joked about all the time.

It's funny - my dad is totally atheist, and so is my mom, but they still had me baptized catholic b/c we're Italian so it was cultural...even though we obviously never went to church and don't believe in god. Families are weird.

It makes sense. Think of it as living in a rental versus a house you own. If you think of this world as a temporary stop over on the way to heaven, who cares how much we mess it up, right? If you think of it as the only home we will ever have, and that we leave it for our kids and their kids after, you would take

Three! Me too!