
I disagree. You're either found guilty or not. If there's not enough evidence for beyond reasonable doubt, he should have been flat out exonerated (even if he did it). If he WAS found guilty, then the sentence should fit the crime, not how strong or not strong the evidence was. There's no sentence for "kind of

You can google it now and several respected sources (Harvard for one) have studies supporting the use of yogurt to combat yeast infections, diarrhea caused by microbe imbalance, etc.

You'd think, but not according to plenty of studies, doctors, and anecdotal experiences.

You can google it now and several respected sources (Harvard for one) have studies supporting the use of yogurt to combat yeast infections, diarrhea caused by microbe imbalance, etc. So you haven't been looking very hard apparently.

My first yeast infection freaked me out SO much because I thought it was an STD. Turns out, nope, thankfully, but I wish I had known before making a panicked appointment with Planned Parenthood.

I want to chime in that I went through a period a few years ago where I kept getting yeast infections, and, for lack of a better way to phrase it, inserting a clean, peeled garlic clove up there for a few hours while I slept helped SO much. I don't know why, but it's a common remedy I've read about and it was more

I will say that in my experience the home remedy stuff works better for yeast infections than the over-the-counter stuff. The prescription medicine beats both of those hands down, but I don't always want to go make a doctor's appointment and pay a co-pay if I don't have to. The over-the-counter things you can buy are

Thank you! This is what I'm saying!

Yeah, I saw that later when I read the original article. But getting knocked up by an internet stranger while actively abandoning your existing kids doesn't really show any better judgement than running away pregnant with one. My opinion of her stands.

Hopefully not. Though, if she had a job, I can't imagine disappearing for six weeks did that much good either.

But should the kids even be back in her custody? If she has that flagrant a disregard for their welfare? If they are doing well with their grandparents, and the grandparents are willing to keep them, it seems like they would be better off with more stable guardians.

You might be right there, but in that case she should at least be subject to community service or mandatory parenting classes or something. It just seems like the judge was all, "well, just don't do it again." When anything could have happened to those kids.

You're right, I don't. And I certainly feel sympathy for her for that, but that doesn't take away my belief that just abandoning your kids for six weeks, including a 3-year-old, just to go on vacation with an internet stranger is at best criminally bad judgement and at worse almost evil. I mean, she wouldn't even

It would solve her thinking there was nothing wrong with what she did and doing it again. What is to stop her from running off next year for another surprise vacation?

When you put it like that, she should get probation volunteering in a middle school. There is no worse age.

What? She straight up abandons her kids for a month and a half and doesn't get any jail time? Well, that will certainly teach her. Being in an abusive relationship does not excuse abandoning your young children! And why is she going on vacation with a random internet stranger when already pregnant with another kid?

I disagree with Billington for sure, since I think finding out your child will be seriously disabled is a very valid reason to abort. However, I also disagree that people aren't allowed to have opinions. He can say he is staunchly pro-choice while still saying he will side-eye anyone who aborts for certain reasons. As

I have a theory that the fact that TV detectives ARE portrayed as caring and competent actually helps the regular police fuck up more. It creates a positive perception of the police among regular people that they themselves did nothing to deserve.

Well, just to play devil's advocate, they do raise awareness among the general public about these aquatic animals, and they also spend a good bit of money on rescue/rehab efforts for sea animals. I don't at all agree with their treatment of dolphins/killer whales and making them perform, but they are not 100% evil

I like the idea of community service, but I can also see where it could go horribly wrong. If everyone who was in jail was instead forced to work for free, it kind of starts feeling like a different form of slavery. Especially when there are plenty of people jailed for things they shouldn't be and also people who are