
Yeah, but they look nothing alike. Like, completely different features and everything.

This is ridiculous. The whole problem here is not that people haven't heard the facts, it's that they refuse to believe them. Our country has this weird aversion to science. She's not contagious if she's not showing symptoms. Period.

Well said!

For what it's worth I agree with you. If people want their wedding to be fancy, it's their right. You get one day where you can ask people to come to your party and have it be more about you than them. Maybe two days if you are widowed/divorced. Asking close friends and family to suck it up for one or two days and

I like to think all our vaginas are worth at least 25K. I mean, what lady here wouldn't be willing to pay that much (bank account willing) to save or protect theirs?

Yeah, but then it very well might evolve to be less deadly. Killing its hosts means it also has nowhere to live anymore - if we're talking what is best for Ebola as an organism, it's to be super contagious but not super deadly.

Ugh, so gross. At least they wear their ugly proudly enough that they are easy to avoid.

I have noticed this on okc too...the guys most likely to adamantly and rudely not want to date anyone overweight tend to be huge themselves.

I mean, I think an eye roll is fair. But like you said, the picking apart of her looks just feels gross.

Ha. Yeah, that would be annoying. And for the record, no one doesn't get an internship because their grades are too good! Lol. I guess with this article, from her actual quotes, I'm not getting that tone so much. That's more how the author has written it up, not so much what she said. In the original article she

I mean I see that too. It's removes any personal ownership of the problem, and maybe that is what is bothering people. So I get why that's irritating. But if she truly had no luck finding love online, I'd rather she tell herself it's because she's too beautiful rather than because she's too ugly/unlovable. Maybe

Ok, but even if she's wrong about why she got the attention she got, is it so awful that she thinks of herself as beautiful? She may not have read the articles about how common attention like that is, or her friends may not have had similar experiences. If that is the conclusion she comes to, what is so terrible about

"I think that a lot of people are just flat out being bitchy and judging this woman, and it's because there's some jealously in the equation..."

I was just thinking this! Good for her that she feels confident and beautiful. It's not like she's putting anyone else down in the process. And everyone in the comments trying to put her in her place and let her know how not that beautiful she is, gross.

You said it so much better than I tried to. This. Exactly this.

Well, she can do what she wants and I would never try to stop her. The end result is beautiful, as I'm sure she knows, just not at all to my taste. But, I don't agree with your premise that we can't ever question or judge women on ANYTHING just because it's somehow not feminist.

I watched more of the video than I probably needed to (lol) and she actually talks about how she had silicone put into her lips 17 or so years ago, and wants them reduced now to more natural levels. I mean, she does look more model-y after. But...idk. It's what I might want to look like in a photo, but not a video, if

Yeah, I agree. Her old face had more animation and movement in it before. The lips, to be fair, were the result of old plastic surgery and so "fixing" them might actually be bringing her back to what they were before (except they still look kind of plastic).

I was thinking that too. She looks beautiful, don't get me wrong, but not quite real. Like it's a mask. And I thought it was strange that we have barely any video of her talking afterwards. Before her face was animated and she was talking. After, it's like she had to keep it very still in a very careful pose. The

Agreed. If they are getting frequent fines, they'll stop using the name. And if they stop using the name (or even have to censor it when using their graphics/lower thirds) that will put a tremendous amount of pressure on the team to just change it already. And it will hurt sponsorship too. A product isn't going to