
Eek. I love the song but the video is a little pedo. I don't think I'd ever seen it before.

I was literally actually SMH after reading this article. Why are there always idiots willing to donate money to the WORST people? Where are these generous souls when actually needy people need them?

I wonder now that their station has had to pay out a huge settlement, whether they'll be in the crosshairs for a bigger punishment. I mean, my bosses would be pissed if I cost them 1 million dollars. To put it mildly.

Ok. Honestly, I don't understand why this article is basically saying "ok, go be rude." Yes, there's a double standard for women when it comes to being assertive, but there is a WIDE difference between being commanding and being rude. Good manners, saying please and thank you, treating others how you want to be


In Europe in general it wouldn't be an issue, because as I understand it it's legal there after 16 (or at least, when I was there it was). However, in the US it is very illegal and they take it seriously. They will prosecute and jail parents for this. And anyway, with this particular woman, the girl got so drunk she

Firstly, the word gypsy refers not only to Romani (of whom I have utmost respect) but also to travelers in general, which I consider myself to be. It is the context which can make it racist, and at the time I chose my screen name and I had never even heard it as an insult.

Because if the kids at your house are minors, and they are not your kids, it's not your right to let them drink without their parents approval. If they sneak around and do it behind their parents back, that's on them. But if you provide alcohol for them without their parents knowing, they are right to be very very

Huh, that is interesting.

Yes, that is true. Hopefully they will be able to take his DNA, now that they have it, and try to use it for that purpose.

The provenance of the shawl is a problem, but if it is proven that it is the victim's blood on it, and the suspect's DNA on it, it certainly strengthens the case against him. Though, as others have said, he could have just been a john who peaceably left after buying her services before the killer ever got there. But,

Well, certainly, and I hope experts look more closely into it. But if the science is sound then it's a great discovery.

How is that weak? They connected the DNA both to direct descendants of the victim and direct descendants of the culprit. That's pretty strong to me. Now, obviously, if it turns out the scientist who did this was careless or otherwise didn't follow proper procedure that is different, but based on the article it seems

If verified (and based on the article it seems pretty conclusive) it's fascinating. I hope they are able to solve more ancient crimes this way, and maybe also clear some people who were falsely accused. I'm also glad private money was spent on this, since there is enough of a backlog of current crimes awaiting

Well, she could have been sick but recovered. I'd cry if my significant other had cancer, but it doesn't mean that they had to die.

Yeah. He was always a lovable rogue, but that ending just made him gross. It took away all the progress his character had made.

Yeah, I loved that show until they made the characters into assholes in the last couple seasons.

That is such a good point. The ending really insulted Robin and all the stuff she wanted for the entire series (career, no kids, freedom). It wasn't super flattering to Barney either. And they were my two favorite characters. Ted was a wet blanket.

I don't mind messy, but I just never ever saw Robin and Ted as being good together, and I liked her and Barney. I hated that the ending invalidated years of character development and shared growth.

If this girl is having abortion after abortion instead of using birth control then she is being irresponsible to the extreme. On the other hand, someone that irresponsible really shouldn't be a parent. So, as much as it sucks that this one person is doing this, it is still better than the alternative. And I would