
To me, it's more because she plays a gynecologist on her show, not that she's a woman. I mean, her practice on the show has quite a few pregnant ladies that she doctors.

I think opossums are real life ROUS'. Have you seen one? *shudder*

Oh, if you do use Project Free TV, don't click the "download" or "stream" options, just click within the screen that originally pops up after the link, the 'close ad and watch' screen. I kept trying to go to the "stream" link which was actually leading to another site and wasn't working for me.

I think she actually had light brown hair with blonde highlights - so, lighter than the actress, but not quite as far off. I don't think she was outright blonde, though I think there is a mention of how her hair when she is older being lighter than it had been when she was younger.

I'm against both, for the record. No idea what other people against circumcision feel.

Yeah, my uncle had calendars with naked ladies up in his workshop. I used to think it was hilarious as a kid. Actually, I still think it is. It certainly never bothered me.

You said everything I was thinking, thank you.

Not for me, no. Drugging and raping a young child just crosses a line that can never be recrossed in my mind. Short of a Lord of the Rings level diving into the volcano to save the world situation, no, I could not get over it.

Eh. Whenever I see the poster for this thing on the subway all I can think about is what a sausage fest it is. I have no desire to see it.

Yes! Pictures of all heights and sizes :-). Or at least, when they have a petite version for sale, have an actual petite model wearing it.

OMG yes. And on women who aren't all 5'9 since I never know how long dresses are actually going to be on me (I'm 5'2).

Especially when the actual salary they pay waitstaff is so low - I mean, at this point, waiters are basically paying THEM to work. As someone who worked as a waitress for years, the pay was a joke. None of my money came from the restaurant, it was all tips.

In regards to the baby with Down's syndrome abandoned in Thailand, if you follow up on the article there is new information that the "father" is a serial pedophile who has spent time in prison for abusing very young girls. So the fact that they only took the girl baby is even more horrifying, and I'm really hoping

Probably more like a parasite that is slowly strangling the rest of the planet...we do a lot of damage, not just to other humans but to other species and the environment itself. I'm feeling fairly negative about humanity today. Individually, we're great. En masse, we suck.

I know. Sometimes I just wonder what aliens would think of us, if there was some intelligent life who just stumbled upon us. I mean, I don't think we come off all that well, to be honest.

I bought this one like 4 years ago off Amazon and just read the reviews. It was like $20, and works pretty well. You can probably even get a better one now. You can get them at Radioshack too but RS tends to be overpriced in general.

Can't believe I'm the first to post this but...

Oh hahaha. You would think right? Nope, I was chased by a giant coach roach once. In India, so maybe they just have braver bugs there. It was legit terrifying, and did not help me get over my jet lag one bit since it happened in my bedroom the first night I was there.

I know. This is hard. If you listen to her side, she is vindictive and extremely cruel, keeping his son from him. If you listen to her side, he is abusive and manipulative and is basically doing this to hurt her. It is impossible to know who's lying just based on their accounts. I hope the judge can figure this out in

If you get a good signal, the HD antenna signal is actually better quality than cable, which compresses it down. Plus, again depending on if you get good signal where you are, you may get more channels with an antenna.