
YESSSSSSS!!! Not Florida!

Wow, apparently everyone had a way more free range childhood than me. My mother did not let me go anywhere by myself until my teen years (though, if I stayed safely inside, I was allowed to babysit younger children at 12). And until I was 15 I couldn't walk around my neighborhood by myself, though I could run around

God they are the WORST. I won't even say what size they claim I am. What is extra annoying is they charge extra for anything over a D, which is a whole lot of people at their sizing structure. I have a perfectly normal sized chest - I shouldn't need to pay $10 extra and still have frumpier bras to choose from.

I think it's different because this child wouldn't exist if she hadn't agreed to it. In your scenario, the pregnancy had already happened, so the couple backing out is withdrawing a solution to the problem of an unwanted pregnancy. But that couple didn't cause the pregnancy.

I am having such a hard time getting a mortgage (first one) as a freelancer. It is so frustrating because I also have good credit, savings, stable if not spectacular income, and my income has also grown every year.

I don't know enough about her to agree or disagree. But I like you more for saying something nice despite the general push to vilify her for being rich and having an annoying sister.

Ah, got it. Misread myself then.

Wow, you guys really aren't able to read sarcasm.

Depending on how many hours she was working, it could very well have been an illegal arrangement. There are minimum wage laws out there.

Cheapest? They weren't paying her! She got room and board. I mean, seriously, she sounds awful but so do they. Working all day for just room and board is indentured servitude.

If they're throwing beer bottles at her house, I'm going to guess they're not "fans."

Agreed. My sister loves pit bulls and has owned a couple. A few years ago, in the middle of our annual Thanksgiving family argument, her dog jumped on me and bit my arm. I had to get stitches and rabies shots. Yes, we were arguing so maybe the dog felt her owner was threatened, but we also had another dog in the house

I kind of feel this way too, and then wonder if I'm a robot for having this attitude since it's kind of morbid and calculating. Glad I'm not alone.

Yikes! I hope you did press charges - that is crazy. What did the police officer say to HER?

She would still be given 100 lashes (which could easily kill her) for having babies with a Christian man. Out of wedlock, if she admits she's Muslim, since her marriage would only be valid if she was Christian. And she would have to give up her husband (which in such a conservative society is likely her only source

The court has already nullified her marriage b/c they said she's actually Muslim (despite her claim to be Christian) and because of it have already sentenced her to 100 lashes for adultery. So this is a thing that has happened, and it's a separate from her renouncing Christianity. Like, if she did renounce her faith

She'd have to give up her husband at the same time, and since she's had kids with him would likely still be horribly punished then for adultery (as she is anyway). There is no winning for her.

I still miss the Burt's Bees solid perfume. It smelled so good, and since I generally hate the smell of most perfumes, I'm slightly bitter that it is gone.

If they did that, those guys would probably just snatch a new bunch of girls, and would be a lot less willing to negotiate their return. Plus, it wouldn't surprise me if they killed some innocent civilians in retaliation. I don't think a fakeout is the answer, unless they can somehow magically arrest the entire group

The girl with her back to us has a cat in her lap. Or she's awkwardly petting herself. Hard to tell.