
Yeah, I can see that. You do NOT want to eat the Manson pancake.

Why does every bearded guy on a food item have to be Jesus? It would really suck if some unknown saint/ghost has been trying to communicate with people for the past 50 years and each time they manage to get their image on a grilled cheese sandwich everyone is like, hey, Jesus.

I kind of hate that it matters at all, or that guys are "put off" by any level of experience. I was kind of a late bloomer and I became SO self conscious about it, because the first couple guys I got close to sleeping with were so freaked out by the fact that I was a virgin. It was clearly such a bigger deal to them

I actually feel bad for this girl (if it really is a girl that wrote it). She sounds deeply unhappy or deeply disturbed. Someone who is well adjusted and happy isn't behaving like this. And if she is regularly getting blackout drunk and waking up next to strangers, it shows like zero concern for her own safety. And

You don't know whether she does or doesn't stand up for others being bullied. You don't know whether she does or does not take on overweight clients. So snarking on her for not doing something you have no idea if she does just comes off as being a jerk. Direct your anger at the people who have earned it, not at anyone

It is awful that she was made to feel that way, especially because they probably spent a fortune getting into the park (the cost of tickets is nuts). But am I the only one who saw the family pic and was like awww, they are such a cute family?

Crazy right? Definitely worth writing a congressman about.

I know! I can't believe this is a thing that can at all be legal! What if you are estranged from your family? And even if you aren't, how can unpartnered adults be held liable for each other's debts? It's nuts. I mean, I know my siblings are TERRIBLE with money. No one better ever come after me. People on both sides

I would be a lot more upset about the IRS taking people's tax refunds to pay their relative's debts than MC Hammer getting called out on not paying his OWN taxes. Have you guys heard about this? It's nuts. I hope my parents' finance are in order.…

Taylor Swift is winning me over. I kind of liked her initially, then got totally irritated by the award show face she always made, and now am coming back around again. I mean, a kitchenaid? That's a kickass gift.

No, I would have been more ok with that too (though I wish she felt like she had another option). I think her dad deserved it as much as her husband did, frankly. From another article I read on this story:

I took the comment he made to mean that the baby is just outgrowing the current shawl. If she's pregnant they wasted no time! Either way, current baby is adorable so good for them when they add another.

Also, just found this article that contains quotes from her saying she didn't mean to poison anyone but her husband and "though my target was my late husband, I must confess that my blood went cold when I realized I had committed mass murder".

Maybe you're right. I don't know their legal system. The story I read about it from the BBC (who I trust more on international news generally, less slant) said that they're considering charging her father for the forced marriage and that she is probably going to be tried in juvenile, not adult, court. So I think that

We don't know her full motive. Obviously we know enough to be sympathetic, but we can't say just because there was collateral damage and his friends died that she was specifically targeting them or that they planned to rape her en masse. There's just no evidence of that. I think it's enough to focus on what we DO

That sounds a little bit like a wild guess to me. Since a full half of girls in rural areas are married to old men before they're eighteen, there's no reason to believe he wasn't just celebrating his own marriage, rather than that he was planning to pass her around. It's still super gross, but in really conservative

Are you kidding? She looks great. She has smile lines and stuff, but that does not mean she "did not age well." I hope I look that good at that age.

Glad you're ok, and I hope your attacker is safely away from the public.

I like these too, but bought Dove already so I don't know if it counts.

I am SO glad you guys wrote an article about this. I saw the commercial yesterday and was super offended. I'm definitely not buying Veet now. I mean, seriously. Now if we go a day without shaving we're disgusting monsters? Jesus.