
Agreed. I love my body, even if I don't always love how it looks. If I lost any little part of it I would be devastated. I am healthy and my body is able to do the things I need it to do (though not always what I want it to do, hello skiing). If I took better care of it and exercised more it could do even more, but

I don't know! Huh...I may have to re-evaluate everything I thought I knew. I don't think I put enough effort into either my appearance on either end of the spectrum though. Like, I don't wear wacky colorful clothes and whimsical makeup, but I also don't go the opposite route of refusing to brush my hair or anything.

I don't want to be a hipster (so much effort) but I do like all of these hobbies. Heirloom blacksmithing? So cool! I kind of want to take up weaving.

Kinja is not letting me star you, because kinja sucks, so just writing in to say I agree. Consider yourself starred.

" 'These former girlfriends are not interesting on their own.'

Expecting to make $600 a week for a full time job isn't exactly crazy. People are fighting for a living wage, which seems like it should be attainable.

What makes me uncomfortable is that there are "bad" genes we might eliminate without fully understanding how they affect other genes, or understanding the potential beneficial side affects they contain. Like how sickle cell protects from malaria - we know that one, but what other "bad" genes could we eliminate that

AAGGGHHH! I hate this! A can of paint is like $30!!!

Pretty! Yeah, I'm not much of a diamond fan either, aside from the politics of it, but if it's well designed they can certainly look really nice.

I think I'd want a small ($4000, eek!) ring for the symbolism, and save the difference for building a life. It might be that older women, per the article, are more pro-ring b/c of divorce though. If you break up, the women generally keeps the ring but the house gets split. That is my cynical, non-married viewpoint

Good. Honestly, I don't even know how it was legal for him to do this. If procedure was followed, it's up to his lawyer to appeal not to a judge to "decide" himself he doesn't like the answer they came up with. He should have to pay for the retrial himself.

Is there anything WE can do to get either of these things kick started? Because it's outrageous but I would like to sign something or do something rather than just get angry and then forget about it tomorrow when some new absolutely awful thing happens. I feel like with Jezebel I get outraged a lot but rarely know

It's extra off-putting when a "female" gets thrown out unexpectedly, in conversations where you're just not looking out for it. I would have felt like throwing something at him too.

I hate that term too. I was watching House Hunters (guilty pleasure) and the female real estate agent said something about how "females" love big closets and I was like, "what?!" It totally threw me off because it is generally only sexist idiots who use the phrase like that. Which, to be fair, maybe she was.

The ONLY reason I clicked on this article was to say how inappropriate I think it is to post videos like this. There is no legal or public benefit to it. It's just to point and laugh at a private moment. I would be HORRIFIED to have a video of me peeing released - this is beyond anything that should be legal.

There's different kinds of "intrinsically different." I think behavioral differences are a lot harder to argue as intrinsic. If someone said men were on average larger than women, I wouldn't be upset. It's a proven fact with hard evidence supporting it. If someone said men were less emotional, I would be upset

I'm not seeing a pic here, but wow does Chris Hemsworth's wife look super pregnant.

No, I agree. Her other dresses this award season (that I've seen) have been AMAZING but this one is kind of boring and blah. And while I know it's probably just the angle, that last photo is showing quite a bit of side rib, which isn't super flattering. The skirt looks fun at least though.

I mean, you're totally right that they can afford it, but it's common knowledge that almost all celebrities borrow their gowns and do in fact return them afterwards. Not sure why they aren't just "gifted" the dresses, but I don't think that normally happens.

Yeah, she did seem annoyed. I thought it was maybe b/c it seemed like she went a tiny bit off right at the end.