
I disagree. Latino/a is not considered a race by most people. I've lived in South America as well as South Florida (heavily Latino) and Latino is your cultural background, and a pretty broad strokes description at that. It's not a race.

Ha! I like tall guys too and I'm 5'2. I think part of it is I always wanted to be tall, and if I have kids with a guy who is also short they're doomed to be short as well. Silly, but there it is. That said, I wouldn't rule a guy out for being an inch or two below average. I am just more attracted to tall guys.

I don't eat for pleasure, I eat for nutrients. - Scott Eastwood

It was cute, but it also looked like they wanted a little more space and the nurse was kind of squishing them together. They weren't just clinging together on their own the whole time.

Not proud of it, but this made me actually giggle out loud.

Seriously. Like all the main characters, men included, get raped or tortured or otherwise horribly traumatized at some point. But it is so entertaining and well written...and I guess that part of it is somewhat historically accurate. Nothing horrible happens to anyone during the 'present day' portions.

On book six, and he's still in the past. Only certain people have the ability to travel and he doesn't - but Claire, his love interest/wife, does.

And Florida!! Don't forget Florida! I lived there for years and was able to defend my virtue by remaining free of the sinful peacoat.

And honestly, if it was a choice between messing up my yoga pants or driving around without a seatbelt and risking my life, well, I'm not that vain.

Lol. I guess I can't be surprised that someone who doesn't believe in seatbelts might have bad grammar.

"The thing is that women will wear a seatbelt that don't work or they're wear a purse that doesn't work or, quite frankly, some women's bodies don't work for it."

My parents took us all the time as kids, so I actually have very warm feelings toward the restaurant. In fact, I have taken my younger siblings, who range in age from 3 - 27, to Hooters myself before because it's a fun, affordable restaurant with tasty food. And I'm female. But we're from Florida, where short shorts

Ha. Well, fair enough then.

Um, do you equate your children with mass murdering terrorists? Because that might be a whole other problem.

I know. I clicked hoping there was something more to it, but it's just a tirade about how much this one actress sucks. Not because she's actually done anything sucky...just b/c the author thinks she's not interesting or relevant enough? I'm put off at the pointless venom.

The sad thing is that even if he gets the belt now it will probably remind of how he was treated this day. So this belt, which he was excited about and saved up for, is now ruined for him. Barneys deserves to get sued so hard, and I hope he wins a lot of money from them.

It takes a long time to grow back. Also, and this may just be in my mind, but I was sad when I cut my hair because even though I look better with it shorter, to me long hair looked fun and young, whereas I was afraid I would look more conservative/frumpy with it shorter. It's still kind of silly to get all attached,

OMG Italy. I love you. Stop being so stupid. It's embarassing.

I can see your point of view too, by the way, but it's really note the tone I got from this article. So I don't know. Maybe you're right, but if someone wrote an article like this about ME (which, ha, not famous so not a problem) I would be really uncomfortable around them in the future.

Eh. He made a big deal of not wanting to come across as yet another person who wanted something from JT but he's dissected their one minor meeting publicly in this article, presumably to drum up some sales for his non-related book, and admitted to creeping around trying to spy on what JT was doing in his room with the