
Yeah, thought that was creepy too. His whole essay made me a little uncomfortable. From the jealousy to the actual meeting to then writing this article, the author seems WAY too invested in this guy that he only met once for dinner. Like he's trying to be seem too cool to be just a "fan," but it really isn't working.

OMG. I can't with this. And he's both a "CEO" and a wedding photographer? Interesting. Not many of those around. Not suspicious at all.

Yeah, except at least we now have free birth control and people with pre-existing conditions can't be turned down. So it's still worth having. I just wish we were single payer like every other first world country.

If I remember correctly, when Obamacare was still a glint in Obama's eye, he did originally attempt to make it into a one payer system unconnected to jobs, but that was so roundly shouted down we have the watered down, only slightly better than nothing version we ended up with. Though, don't get me wrong, slightly

I just don't agree. It's like sending a person an email or a letter. If you hand someone a letter on their way on the door, or give them a package as they're getting into their car, is it your fault they're dumb enough to read/open it while driving? This is something that is solely and completely in the driver's

Someone sending a text is NOT "causing a very dangerous distraction." They are causing a little ping to sound on someone's phone. It's not like the phone automatically floats up to the driver's face and hangs there. People can easily choose to wait until they're not driving to check their messages. Just like they can

The thing is, as easy as it is to make fun of Courtney Stodden (and I'm tempted too at times) she's a kid. She's a kid who looks older and dresses older and "acts" older than she is, but she's a kid who is married to a much older, gross man that her parents basically gave her to. And when I actually think about it, it

As others have said, most of us are not British citizens and do not necessarily get behind titles that are born or married into rather than earned. I personally don't see how it's either "appropriate" or "inappropriate" to refer to Kate Middleton by her name. I am fully neutral on the title, and certainly don't care

Is that Star photo with Kate in a pink dress photoshopped? B/c I didn't think there were any pictures of her and the baby outside of the one appearance leaving the hospital. Did they just straight up create a photo?

Agree. I hate confrontation so I tend to bottle it up and get a little passive agressive-y sometimes, but to make a point of leaving little mean comments on someone's facebook posts all the time is definitely lame, and makes the writer look like an asshole.

The SAME thing happened to me when I was a kid! It's one of my few memories from when I was a little, little kid. No one helped me but I somehow got myself flipped back around. I still remember how scary it was.

I read the (super long) reply he penned and from what he said, unless he is totally lying, he didn't actually hurt an ecologically sensitive area at all. It sounds like a lot of the original articles didn't bother fact checking and made a lot of erroneous assumptions. From what he is saying, they rented the

I don't know. This seems like a pretty innocent, and joyful, way to spend a bunch of money. It's going right back into the economy. I'm more frustrated at people who hoard all their billions of dollars while still doing everything they can to make themselves more at the cost of basic rights for their workers. If you

The system might have failed Michael, but not in the way his mother thinks. It has failed him because he clearly needs psychiatric help and has failed to get it. It has not "failed" him by protecting Leslie from his persistent, scary advances. He should be kept away from her, forcefully if necessary, until such a time

Sadly, far too many people.

I get SO frustrated that people defend him. I don't CARE how talented he is. He raped a kid!! He could cure cancer, and that would still make him a horrible person. Just a horrible talented person. I have heard people defend him based on how long it's been, based on her being someone trying to get famous (i.e. she

Oh, me, me! I want one! Totally worth going to hell for.

I thought they got rid of indulgences? Around the time of the whole Protestant/church splitting thing? No? Clearly I need to brush up on my history.

I like him more now knowing he is dating someone who can kick ass.

Agreed. So agreed. And though I usually like a clean-shaven man, he looks at least 3 times as hot with the short beard. It's science.